DP bait

  • TeamBurbot
    Posts: 324

    Alright it took awhile but iam jumping on the band wagon this year and will be running a couple dozen dp traps. What kind of baits do you guys like that have good success with these traps. I have heard of running a sweat smelling bait but I don’t know for sure.

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    Sweat smelling baits work good. They help reduce nontarget animals like cats and skunks from being caught. I still use fish baits for areas where I feel nontarget animals are not of concern.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    I have been chatting with several local experts that run lines around here and you will get a different answer from about everyone. Marshmellows early in the season is mentioned a lot…some do cat food and bacon grease, cat food with fish oil, fish chunks/paste ect. They sell a wide variety of pre processed baits as well!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Take it as you will, but here is a little bait – 101

    Coon are very stubborn and set on their diet. Yes, there are always the few that scavenge anything. But for numbers, you need to follow the “what is in season” method. Earlier in the season, berries and grapes are most plentiful and at their highest sugar content. I’ve sat in a treestand and watched coon that were out early by-pass cubbies w/ fish bait, and head straight into masses of grape vines. Also, look at the fresh scat you see in the area. Clear tell-tale sign of their diet.
    As the colder weather sets in, frogs tend to bury them selves in the mud along the shore. Meat/fish begin to do much better.
    As food becomes more scarce, corn really turns on – especially if there is water nearby. When they focus on corn, I primarily focus on blind trail sets.

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