Trap line

  • erick
    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    For most of you guys I am curious as to how many traps you have out on average? Obviously some people have a 200 mile trap line while others a dozen sets maybe.

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    I run around 125 sets. Sometimes many more but thats what I would say my average is.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    How long does it take a experienced trapper to run that many traps?

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    Most of the day. I would start at sunrise and would be done around 3-4 every day.

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    I can run about 24 yote/fox sets a morning. All sets can be driven to and are close enough I can can check them in 2 hours and hang my catch. Beaver and rat sets are checked Wednesadays and weekends. I only set a half dozen rat sets and a dozen beaver sets at a time. All are under ice so it takes me a while. I am green to trapping but that was enough for my first year for my own line.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    yesterday I bought a half dozen 1 1/2 coil springs 6 110’s all for water sets. I plan to purchase 4-6 160 conibears for bucket/tile sets and run around a dozen DP’s for gang sets. Plan to do the same thing have them to drive to locations and quick access near work. Was curious as to how big or small some of your sets are.

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