Any bever trapers around Eauclaire?

  • muskybones
    Posts: 372

    I like just south of Eau claire Wi, in a the little town of Eleva. i live just off of the buffilo river. and the beavers are doing a number down there this winter. They where bad a couple of years ago and i see they are getting bad again. I am wondering if any one on here can or know someone who can come set some traps out. I have a trappers lincse my self but have no traps and dont know how. I am looking for somewith with experica to trap them and show me what i am doing. I could check the traps everyday. There are 3 or 4 slids coming out of the water. If you or someone you know traps them we have tell the 31st to get. There are also LOTS of COYOTES i wouldnt mind gone. Please PM me. Lets get something going soon. Only have tell the end of the month.


    Posts: 197

    Chris – I live south and west of EC. I and my little boy would be interested in trapping beaver.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Welcome to IDO Lars!! Post lots of pics of your success.

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