lost snare

  • HookCook
    Posts: 50

    anyone ever have a snare fail to the point it is gone, the #9 high tensil holding wire is still on the tree which i had the snare atached too but the snare is gone. and it snowed durring the day so it is hare to tell if there was a strugle. it was dark when i checked them last night so i walked around in the wood looking for eyes thinking the snare cable will hook on something but found nothing.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    We lost a coyote this fall to a fail crimp on a snare. My buddy now recrimps each and yanks on them pretty good to test.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    Just yesterday I saw a picture of a deer shed with a broken snare on it. That was a first!

    Posts: 50

    I would guess it was not a deer as i live right in the heart of the 602 zone and have not seen a buck for 3 months now. i think i will just have to check the factory snares from now on. thanks guys.

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    My dad caught a big male in a foot hold last year with a restraint around its neck. He told the neighbor about it and found out it was his. By the looks of the broken end, I think it kinked the cable and with a good hard pull it failed. It was a big coyote. Can’t remember exact weight but it was the biggest he has caught to date.

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