So after more than 20 years

  • bob_bergeson
    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    I decided to get back into some dryland trapping over the years we have noticed more crop damage and more coon on our trail cameras than in the past so after gathering up some 220’s and a coon cuffs, Wild Thang and I were off to the woods this morning for her 1st lesson in coon trapping. She sure seems to enjoy learning about anything to do with the outdoors! I can honestly say that I do miss it. Don’t get me wrong I’m not going Back to running 100-200 miles a day before School/Work but will probably run a couple of dozen traps for the next few weeks

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    Very cool Bob! Hope your getting a bunch of pictures to share while your on your line. I’m off to a very slow strat. A few projects have delayed my fur line this year. Hopefully next week, I’ll be laying some steel!

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    Let’s hear it! How is it going out there?

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Pics to come. Wild Thang has a couple of coon down despite the cold snap She is a fast learner She may have even Dumped a buck with my muzzel loader

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    The cold weather really shut the coon movement down But Wild Thang still connected on a couple of big “woods” coon She likes the 220 conibears but is not quite sold on the “coon Cuffs” She has an never ending desire to learn as much about the outdoors as possible

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Great stuff Bob and Wild Thang!!

    I got my first real taste of trapping in early November. I wish I had time to try it on my own around here. Looks like something I’d really enjoy.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    wait until you need to pull one out of a den Nice looking coon! Doesn’t MN have a restriction on the 220’s on dry ground? I thought sometime back that they passed a law for an opening restriction for the use of any coni’s there. Though, I may be mistaken

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798


    wait until you need to pull one out of a den Nice looking coon! Doesn’t MN have a restriction on the 220’s on dry ground? I thought sometime back that they passed a law for an opening restriction for the use of any coni’s there. Though, I may be mistaken

    should be ok in the buckets I know it is illegal in wis but mn still allows it

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    Curiosity got to me…

    From the MN regs:

    “8. Body-gripping traps that have a maximum jaw opening, when set, of greater than 5 inches and less than 7½ inches measured from the inside edges of the jaws (generally 160 and 220 conibears), except those set as water sets, must be set in one of two ways:

    A. In a tree of any diameter or on a pole no larger than 6 inches in diameter at least three feet off the ground or surface of the snow.

    B. If used on the ground, they must be set in a cubby with the trap inserted a minimum of 7 inches from the front, with the cubby opening no more than 50 square inches in area as illustrated.”

    WI has similar regs on 220’s, but not the 160’s. I see MN has it on both 220’s and 160’s. That depth from the front caused me a lot of refusals and led to me swapping out to 160’s.

    I was also getting more refusals with the buckets, and my theory is the fact that they can not see through it. I started making cubbys with the black PVC culvert and ty-wrapping a mesh screen on the back side. Catch ratio went up with these.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Randy, the slots are cut at 8″ from the end. the shell fish oil seems to get them coming on the run

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    Bob, please don’t have the perception that I was second guessing you. I just tossed out the reg info for others that may read this.
    As for the buckets, you MN guys have the easy coon. Our coon on this side of the river get too educated..

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    No problem Randy my farm hasen’t had a trap on it for 20 years so they are Big and Dumb On another note… the coon cuffs “Dog Proof” are catching more coon than the 220’s and way easier to work with

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