The key to coon is knowing what “pattern” they are in. Bait is as simple as it can be. Personally thouhg, I think coon are one of the most focused animals when it comes to diet. Now that what few grapes and apples are ripe and sugar content is high, they will pass most other things up to take something sweet. I collect old Jelly – the sweeter the better for early season. By the time most natural fruit sources are null, that shuts off and the meat/fish based baits work better.
If your a rough fish bow hunter in the summer, best to harvest as many grease filled carp, drum, whitebass,…and make fish oil. 3 gallons of water and pack a bucket filled with chunked fish, sealed cover, and let it sit in the sun for a couple months (not around the house). The oil seperates and rises. Siphon the oil off and you have a very concentrated scent to use.
If your using fish based bait, here’s a hint. Find a fish (or seafood product) that is very strong smelling when frozen…My secret bait is good to about 10 degrees. Add some salt to help prevent freezing is milder weather.
My trail cams in a couple apple trees are filled with coon pics right now!