time to set up the trail cams!

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Well, its been awhile since I had to deal with any theft. I had 3 coon sets emptied for me this morning. Dog tracks like crazy at each of the sets….so it was pretty obvious. Someone was running hounds last night and they came across coon in my traps. Takes some pretty big nads to dispatch and take something out of a trap. I have a great repore with the local warden, and he’s already got my call.
    Trail cams will be set tonight!!!!!!!
    I hope like hell I find out who this is!!
    From the WI DNR regulations
    “Trap and Animal Theft: Stealing or molesting traps, cable restraints, snares,
    animals, or the contents of any lawfully placed trap, cable restraint, or snare
    is a criminal act and is punishable by fine ($300-$1,000), imprisonment (up
    to 90 days) or both,and a mandatory 5-year revocation of license.

    Waumandee, WI
    Posts: 695

    I hope you catch them!

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    I sure hope you catch them This lack of respect and dishonesty Has to stop

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    Probably have pieces of sh– for dogs and the only way they can get coon is steal them.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’m a bit more calmed down about it now. Figuring I’ve been getting large to XX Large coon – that’s an average of about $19.00 per coon X3 = $57.00 or $50 to $75.00 range that was taken from my wallet. I don’t blame the dogs at all. They got on a trail and followed it up – just like they were trained to do. Its the piece of crap owner that didn’t call the dogs off and move on. I’ve had a number of times over the years that houndsmen have dispatched a coon that was in my trap…and left it there for me. Even had a guy track me down while I was checking traps to tell me that his dog got ahold of a coon in my trap, and he was willing to pay the market price for it if it had any damage from his dog – To me, that’s a good guy. But stealing is stealing! If I catch this P.O.S., that $50.00 in coon will cost him. To me, forget the fine – the WI MANDATORY 5 year loss of hunting/fishing is HUGE!!!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    ya gotta love a pi$$ed off trapper with trail cams!!! Go get’em, Randy!!!


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