
  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Any northwoods cat trappers here? looking for info

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    Not a cat trapper but I can give my dads secret… gang set for yotes. He’s got 3 so far. All released unharmed. I will look for the pics..

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    In the first picture, you will notice he has already been released from the trap. After he was loose, he decided to stick around and show his appreciation by hissing and attacking my dad. Good thing he still had the release board between him and the cat. He sat there until my dad walked back to the wheeler before taking off.

    The second picture was a female he caught the next day. This is a different set a few miles away. He caught a third one in this same trap.

    Some day maybe he will have a cat tag so he can actually harvest one!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Cool pics! I got a pm from someone looking for cat info. I’m not a cat trapper, so hopefully other can help out

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830

    Man those are cool looking critters. thanks for sharing the pics.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    How in the hell do you release one of them things!?!?! He looks so happy to see company show up

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    How in the hell do you release one of them things!?!?! He looks so happy to see company show up

    1×4’s or 1×6’s to press the levers down on each side of the jaw. I did the ladder method once over a badger. Dang thing wouldn’t leave. As soon as I went to step down a rung on the ladder, he charged to attack. I’ve heard of cats doing the same thing when released

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    I had the same thing happen at the Musky Shop a couple of years ago when with the door open a muskrat walked in and the only way we were able to get him out was to use a musky net… Needless to say the dumb sh.. wanted to come back and get a piece of me to which I re-netted him… the second release was much better, as it was happy to walk away from the fight!!! LOL!!!

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    We use a catch pole and a piece of plywood with notch cut out. Grab the cat with the catch pole (which is the hardest part). Walk up using the plywood as a shield, slide it over the cats leg so the only piece of the cat on your side of the plywood is it’s foot in the trap. Release the trap and back off holding the plywood between you and the cat. Loosen the catch pole and get ready to defend yourself. They are wild and have a mind of their own….. I will say with upmost confidence there are a few animals I would never want to corner. Badger, Bobcat, and Muskrat are surely on that list.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    You had me until Muskrat… I’ve done hand to hand combat with a badger, only armed with a claw hammer. It’s NOT fun. Needless to say the badger eventually got away. I was happy to have all my digits.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    You had me until Muskrat…

    But Kooty, they got really long teeth!!! Thankfully they are not too fast!!!


    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    I seen a muskrat crossing a field one day while moving a treestand. I decided to get a little closer and planned on messin with it…. I got 20 feet from it and it charged me. It was a lot faster than I thought it would be and a whole lot meaner. That was the last time I decided to bother a wild animal. I had severly under estimated it. The dang thing wouldn’t leave me alone! I ended up walking way around it to get to where I was going

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I watched a mink take a squirrel out while bow hunting a few years ago. Viscous little things. Worse I have done was an otter. 5 feet long of pure hell.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    My guess is your rat may have been rabid or something else was wrong with him. I’ve encountered them a few times on dry ground and they want nothing to do with humans. They are faster than a guy thinks too.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    My guess is your rat may have been rabid or something else was wrong with him. I’ve encountered them a few times on dry ground and they want nothing to do with humans. They are faster than a guy thinks too.

    I climbed under our pontoon to fix some wiring that the muskrats had messed up. Much to my surprise, there were a couple of them sitting on a ‘toon! I was glad I was already in the water so no one could see me pee myself

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I once had a muskrat in a 1-1/2 longspring that was climbing the chain twards my hand and bringing the trap with him.

    I was trout fishing one day and seen a very young mink come out of the water with a trout about 3″ long in its mouth. It dragged it up onto a small pathway. The mink was only about twice the length of the trout and I decided to walk up behind it. This mink was so small it would take a few steps forward then reach back and pull the trout up to him, then take a few more steps then drag again. I walked up behind the mink and put my foot on the trout and fearlessly he tried to pull the trout out from under my shoe. He walked away some then came back and tried to pull the trout out from under my shoe again, this time I let it have it. They are fearless little critters forsure.

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