Trap Brands

  • bassmaster
    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    With the handful of trap brands out there and prices at both ends of the scale, what brand is worth what they cost? What brand dose a guy want to stay away from? Rats, and beaver are all I’ve ever trapped. Just looking to pick up more traps and curious as to what other guys like or don’t like. Almost all the ones I have now are Victor and have for the most part been happy with them.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Here’s my opinion
    Beaver –
    coils –
    1.Minnesota Brand MB 750 $25ish each new
    2.Sleepy Creek #4 (has 8 guage spring wire) few bucks to 4 coil if you feel its needed.
    3. Bridger

    Long Springs
    1. I’m still using a lot of my old Victors/Onida/Blakes
    2. If buying new – Sleepy Creek (I like the center connection for the chain)

    1. BMI Mags – stiffer springs and the extended corners allow for a tighter grip of the jaws

    1. Sleepy Creek
    2. Duke
    3. BMI

    1. Sleepy Creek #11 DLS (My all-time favorite trap) – I have a lot of coon around here, so this is an awesome all around trap for rats, mink, coon,..
    2. Montys
    3. Duke

    1. Any that has a easy field friendly replaceable triger

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