WI Fur report

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Well, the 2010 fur season for me has come to somewhat of an end. Other than a few ADC jobs and predator hunting, this is my end of fur trapping for the year.

    In light of the economy, trades with Russia, china,… I don’t think I did that bad. Of coarse, I would like to relive the 70’s/early 80’s, but let’s get real. Those days have been gone for a long time.

    Rats, I averaged $7.70. Best year I have had in rats in a long, long time. With the sale of two rats to a taxidermist @ $25.00 each, my early sale of YOY and much lessor grades, fur buyers paid a high of $9.00 to a low of $1.50 for kits and rags. According to my sizing, grading, and expectations Groenewald Fur was within $45.00 of what I wanted for my annual take of 532 rats.

    Coon – I didn’t go all out on coon this year because of speculated low prices, hold-overs from last year, and a pile of coon I had at NAFA that didn’t sell very quickly. I had a source that wanted smaller coon for mounts and decorative fur, so that was a very unique outlet I had for selling what would have been worthless fur. My very early sale of poor grade coon and small stuff averaged $11.00. I sold the rest of my coon today to Groanewald for an average of almost $18.00. Considering I didn’t have any Jumbo’s and he upgraded what I believed to be mediums to large/XL, I am extremely happy with George’s offer. So with everything said and done, I averaged $16.92 for green pelts on the year.

    Coyotes – I changed my mind and sold everything today. With the rumors I have been hearing and the few buyers that I have talked to…everyone only wants the largest and best – with color getting graded very hard. I had a lot of darks with strong amber, which isn’t the most desirable. I had a range of $25.00 down to $10.00 with an average of about $18.00. I would have liked to averaged greater than $20 with them being put up. But considering the facts, I feel like I took a $96.00 hit on what I wanted. So, nearly $100.00 less than I expected to make, but better than what I have heard from many others.

    Fox – I kept the few fox that I have and will sell them later.

    Mink – I have taken the fewest mink that I have gotten in the last 10 years. Not really a fare synopsis with how few I had. I averaged $12.00 combining both bucks and females. That was ok, and not worth arguing over.

    Beaver – I have a dozen from some ADC jobs. I have two blankets and cleared a colony of a couple large and a bunch of YOY. Skinned and froze, I’ll put them up when I get done this spring with other ADC jobs.

    Love’m or Hate’m I sold most of my fur to Groanewald and couldn’t have been too much happier. No commission fees, walked away with my check in hand, and George’s grading was very consistent to what and how I graded it myself. And, I’ll make the next couple of house payments….

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    And, I’ll make the next couple of house payments….

    Im not saying its easy money but IM jealous!! Andgladthat a few good ole boys make something off this land!! Props on your hard work!!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    make something off this land!! Props on your hard work!!

    I hate to think of it as an hourly job but it is so rewarding to be out every day walking the creeks and fields to see many things that most people never get to. Plus, I still enjoy the satisfaction I get putting up furs at 1:00 in the morning and the adrenaline rush when its time to sell.
    I also get so in tune with predators and their movements. Once I got educated on scent control and better methods of trap checking, everyday is like scouting for something new!

    Here’s a few pics of some highlights
    1. Watched these two bucks fighting. guessing 140-150 and 170-180’s – Guess who won??
    2. Daughter’s spot – 11 out of 12 traps on the first check!
    3. 74# Beaver that was eating white oak trees on a guys property
    4. 1/2″ short of a jumbo
    5. I do an ink sketch for the WI Trapperman.com breakfast every year
    6. Daughter’s first mink
    7. The Honey Hole
    8. Daughter and I found this buck laying on a sleepy #11dls….FYI this deer was put down immediately following a call to the warden and used. It did NOT go to waste! Ironic that if I wasn’t trapping this ditch, this young buck would have been coyote food…
    9. Beautiful sunset over a beaver pond. I like Terry Redlin prints, but Mother Nature does a nicer job
    10. A bear sleeping on a hillside

    I thank God for the gifts in my life. I may not make a 100K anymore, but I get to see and experience much more than money could ever buy.

    Posts: 395



    I thank God for the gifts in my life. I may not make a 100K anymore, but I get to see and experience much more than money could ever buy.

    Glad to see you realize that some experiences are truly priceless. Time spent with family and in the outdoors is worth more than all the money in the world.

    The time is coming when you’ll look back at these times and know it was better than money. your daughter will never remember how much money you make, but she’ll cherish the time you spent wth her in God’s creation.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    Great post Randy! One question…Explain pix #8? What is a “sleepy #11dls”? Not a trapper so I’m confused…RR

    Its a very small double long spring foothold trap for rats up to coon.

    Posts: 475

    Nice job on the fur take, sounds like you did well at the market. I can’t wait until I get enough time to run a good sized trapline again. Like you said, being outdoors every day is what really gets you in tune with the critters… it’s an awesome thing

    Posts: 217

    Always love your traping post!!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Very cool pics Randy and a great post. Thanks for sharing your season with us and we look forward to more in the future!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Great stuff Randy!! I’m told from my cousins in SD, they are averaging 15.00 for dogs out there. They don’t trap, just hunt so I imagine that plays into the price a bit also.

    Posts: 1054

    Thanks for the photos. Brings back fond memories of my trap line back in the late 70’s. Next season keep the camera rolling as the photos are appreciated.


    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Thanks Randy for sharing your trapping season with us and your pictures. It brings back a lot of memories when I used to get up early and check the traps before school. It was such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment when everyone else was still sleeping in bed. Please keep the reports coming!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Randy, when I used to trap I got a 21″ rat, skinned and measured it, without the length of the tail. Whats a good length and whats been your longest rat, skinned and not streatched and dried.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    Randy, when I used to trap I got a 21″ rat, skinned and measured it, without the length of the tail. Whats a good length and whats been your longest rat, skinned and not streatched and dried.

    21″ not stretched

    15-1/2″ to 17″ rats are XXL and over 17″ is XXXL according to Fur harvesters chart (sizing I follow). I get a lot of rats that clear the 17″…but very few that ever hit 20″ I got a pair of rats about 10 years ago that were huge. I don’t remember the exact length anymore. I put them on coon wire stretchers to dry. When I first slide the rat wire in them, they were about an inch longer than the wire. I couldn’t find the pics of them

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ya those are nice rats when thier longer then the wires. I knew he was a big one because he was noticably bigger then the rest of what I was getting on that creek. I do remember the hole he came out of and it was around 10″ and under a root system of a tree just like a beaver would do, at first I thought it was a starting of a beaver hole but too many rat prints infront of it. I got about 1/2 dozen out of that one hole. I remember one of my favorite sets was the tips of sandbars near rat holes. I’d look for the grass they would leave behind from eating the previous night and If I seen that I would set a con a bear and get one within the next two days if not the next morning. Got a few that the owls wanted too with leg holds, we got a ton of owls down here.

    Root systems were also a very good place to set for coon. The undercut banks snarled with roots is where Id get coons regularily. The coons would get right back in the snarls looking for crawfish or whatever they were eating there, those places are good sets, high percentage sets. I remember one year I washed the coons with dishsoap and used a hair drier and reversed combed the hides. When dry they fluffed out about 1/2 again as without washing them. The hides were neat and clean but I didn’t get anymore money for them. They wanted them just rolled up and in a bag frozen until I brought them in to sell. Its 5 below right now at 10:29 pm here in town.

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