They are natural highways for fox, coyote, and big boar coon.
Assuming your talking about MN – Page 42 of the MN regs
“Trap and Snare Identification
A person may not set or place a trap or snare, other than on property
owned or occupied by the person, unless the following information is
affixed to the trap or snare in a way that ensures the information remains
legible while the trap or snare is on the land or in the water:
1) The number and state of the person’s driver’s license; or
2) The person’s Minnesota identification card number; or
3) The person’s name and mailing address; or
4) The person’s MNDNR number as printed on their license.
(Note: A person may use their previously issued drivers license
number until March 1, 2013)
Note: From April 1 to August 31, the trap identification provisions
listed above do not apply to traps set for the taking of unprotected
I don’t know the specific details of of the set you came across, AND if MN has a similair law. In WI, we have a law that protects trappers from having traps molested with.
“Trap and Animal Theft: Stealing or molesting traps, cable restraints, snares,
animals, or the contents of any lawfully placed trap, cable restraint, or snare is
a criminal act and is punishable by fine ($300-$1,000), imprisonment (up to 90
days) or both, and a mandatory 5-year revocation of license.”
I read through the MN laws a little more. If I understood it correctly (BIG IF) the landowner – on his/her own property, does not require a trap identification tag. When in doubt, a call to a conservation officer never hurts. If a trapper is violating the law, it must be corrected. Just like any sport, the actions of a few idiots has an impact on me.