Hows this all work

  • jason_ramthun
    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    Ok , I’m not a trapper and glad you guys do what you do BUT , can you tell me why or if it’s legal to put traps on a trail in a cow pasture I and my dad about when we about stepped on a trap during our gun season I was like what kind of DF to put a trap in a spot like this

    Let me know what you guys think …. NO name or tag on this trap also ? Isn’t that a rule

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Not sure about Minn. but most states require tags with name and address of the owner. Yes, legal to set in cow paths. They are natural highways for fox, coyote, and big boar coon. But most trappers will make a set just a ways off the path to avoid having a cow or deer step on the trap and messing up the set for a targeted animal.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    They are natural highways for fox, coyote, and big boar coon.

    Assuming your talking about MN – Page 42 of the MN regs

    “Trap and Snare Identification
    A person may not set or place a trap or snare, other than on property
    owned or occupied by the person, unless the following information is
    affixed to the trap or snare in a way that ensures the information remains
    legible while the trap or snare is on the land or in the water:
    1) The number and state of the person’s driver’s license; or
    2) The person’s Minnesota identification card number; or
    3) The person’s name and mailing address; or
    4) The person’s MNDNR number as printed on their license.
    (Note: A person may use their previously issued drivers license
    number until March 1, 2013)
    Note: From April 1 to August 31, the trap identification provisions
    listed above do not apply to traps set for the taking of unprotected

    I don’t know the specific details of of the set you came across, AND if MN has a similair law. In WI, we have a law that protects trappers from having traps molested with.
    “Trap and Animal Theft: Stealing or molesting traps, cable restraints, snares,
    animals, or the contents of any lawfully placed trap, cable restraint, or snare is
    a criminal act and is punishable by fine ($300-$1,000), imprisonment (up to 90
    days) or both, and a mandatory 5-year revocation of license.”

    I read through the MN laws a little more. If I understood it correctly (BIG IF) the landowner – on his/her own property, does not require a trap identification tag. When in doubt, a call to a conservation officer never hurts. If a trapper is violating the law, it must be corrected. Just like any sport, the actions of a few idiots has an impact on me.

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