Coon values

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Has anyone sold any coon recently in SW WI and what was the prices pain and condition of pelts?

    I have a lot of coon (green) to get sold ranging from mediums to XXL for a few extra Christmas pennies

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    We sell our hides to Wiebke Fur in Eitzen, MN and LaCrosse, WI. I got an email from the buyer a month ago and he said $10 top for the very best and a hard grade after that. He also said to not bother bringing in any early or small hides because they are no value.

    I sure hope it’s changed since then.


    I have a few uncles that are BIG trappers, NTA members, etc, anyway they are saying the same thing, $10 tops, and hard grading…good luck guys.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 20

    Me,my uncles and grandpa just sold some coon in southern wisconsin all i have to say is i did not expect for prices to be as low as they were we sold 1 at 12 dollars and the rest were 3 to 7 dollars. I did have one rat caught in a coon set and got 4 dollars for him. This is my first year setting a line beside for some cage trapping in previous years with my grandpa but I am not going to let low prices slow me down.

    Posts: 100

    I just sold mine last week to Otter Creek Furs and got $22 top on finished goods and $20 top on green. Avg $10…My buddy Avg $12.50

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Pretty good tops compared to all the reports I have read so far. I have all my green pelts froze and going to roll the dice and wait a few more weeks

    Posts: 100

    Yeah I was suprised too. I had quite a few early blue coon that hurt my avg, but it could of been worse from the sound of it. I think I’ll try shipping my K9’s to Nafa for the 2nd auction.

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