coyote bait?

  • TeamBurbot
    Posts: 324

    what kind of baits do you suggest for trapping coyotes? i am usng hiawwatha bait now, i believe it is ground up beaver. what do you suggest for bait?

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830

    Anything w a rank smell to it,old meat, scraps. If its a dirt hole set put some red fox urine around the mound or hole. Are there a lot of yotes where your planning on trapping or are ya going on a hunch? good luck

    Posts: 324

    thanks, we have a little of both arond here. last hunting season we saw a number of reds and yotes around here. thanks for your info. any more would be appreciated!!!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22889

    Back in the day… when I had little $$$, (it all went to more traps ) we would shoot a bunch of rabbits and gut and skin them, then chunk up the meat and put it in old mayo jars for a couple months and let em sit in the corner of that shed…. it wasn’t the most pleasant thing, opening, but man, it got the yotes

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Whoops, didn’t see it was the trapping forum!

    I recommended beef scraps if you’re going to sit over a pile and shoot.


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