I was Spring Beaver trapping last year and set up a mound set. I used some gland lure on the mound with shaved sticks behind the mound for eye appeal. I was using a coil spring trap, drowning set up that was wired to a bag of rocks in deeper water. Any ways he is the biggest beaver I’ve caught so far, he bottomed out our meat scale that goes upto 50 lbs. so not sure the exact weight on him. He was the hairiest and stinkiest too (It actually had a lot in common with GMANs girlfriends….weird huh??) Any ways in was a blast catching him and Im always learning something new while enjoying our outdoors Good Luck Justin
I do enjoy mounting a good beaver but ever since I got married it seems harder and harder to find, There’s always work, kids, headaches…I think I got off track…anyway, nice beaver.