Monday morning the river opens up for trapping and I am raring to go. I first have to get through work tonight
At least I will have something to keep my mind occupied
I got the boat all loaded up with traps, lathes for stakes, drowning rigs for the coon sets, push pole, heater, and all the different setting tools I will need.
I am limited to 40 traps when trapping the refuge so the line won’t be a big one. My plan so far is to put out 30 rat sets and 6 coon sets for now. I have the other 4 tags on beaver traps and may just leave them on until beaver opens on the river.
The scouting I did on Friday shows some real promise as far as rat sign. The water has come up a little so getting in and out of places will be easier. The rat houses are actually in the water, unlike last year when the water dropped and left a bunch of rat huts completely out of the water. The next thing will be waiting to see how many other trappers are going to be out there. Even with a lot of trappers a guy can usually find places to set, it just takes a lot more work.
The weather looks like it is going to be nice with sun, 40 degrees, and little wind. I am hoping to beat last years poor catch of 74 rats. I would love to be able to catch 200 rats for once, but weather and time dictates that outcome.
Sleep will be very limited for a few weeks at least. With working a 3rd shift job I will have to find a routine that allows me to check traps, sleep, and skin. The routine I am planning is to check traps after work in the morning, get home and hang catch to dry, sleep until evening, eat, skin, and then get ready for work. I could sell everything on the carcus and not skin, but the extra $1-2 to skin is worth it to me. I may only be able to move a few traps a day on non-producing runs. When I was laid-off I had all day to check and reset along with all the other stuff involved. I am taking Monday night off so I will get at least 3 checks in before going back to work.
I sure hope tonight goes fast at work. I get more excited about setting the river than I do about hunting anything