Land Coon sets

  • jhalfen
    Posts: 4179

    Do you know how long I’ve been looking for a “chick” with a guy’s face?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    “Why do I pee sitting down?”
    “Don’t the blond hilights make me look more manly?”
    “Looking for a good man to spoon.”

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    Do you know how long I’ve been looking for a “chick” with a guy’s face?

    Looks like a match made in Iowa….

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Well God Damn, I am a sexy bitch…

    I guess what they tell me holds true…I look stunning in anything..

    flowerer…I knew I should have cut her out of the picture…didn’t over compensate enough this time

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    I will however cut the guy out of this one..

    Matt likes to pole dance with men…

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    saving the best for last…

    Matt: I like cock THIS big..

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    “I ain’t kidding, that thing he stuck in my ass was this big”

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435


    saving the best for last…

    Matt: I like cock THIS big..

    For real man. I had Kenny Chesney’s ass right here so I could clean his “star fish”. I told you I would do anything to get his hat

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    Oh sure hit a guy whens he’s at we fest,……you cheap flower.

    If you’re gonna slink around in my pictures you might as well bring out the good ones!!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    That is mighty fine right there.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    What are some of your guys opinions on land sets? My buddy is teaching me a TON on water sets..but land sets he is not familiar with. I see the 220 conibear and 5 gallon pale set which looks pretty simple and a way to use up my sauger remains from Pool 4 as well. Just curious on everyones ideas in this dept. I live in a farmland area mostly…with lots of fencelines and waterways in the area.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    That’s probably one of the most popular and effective sets for dry land going. Blind trails with those traps would be second. But I prefer to use the 160’s. Mainly cause our coon down here are smaller and the 160 is less hazardous to dogs.
    Keep this in mind when trying to decide where you’re going and what sets to make, the females and smaller coon will spend most of their time near water. The bigger boar coon, the ones the buyer really wants, are loners and spend a lot of time roaming the corn field/timber edges. Ask anyone who does a lot of canine trapping about the quality of the coon they catch.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    Bucket sets are better with 3 gallon buckets like the ones for kitty litte–I love them. Can you use snares in MN? Those are an awesome set for lots of critters. I do some blind trail sets but also like to make bait cubbies in old culverts and in banks or ditches near active trails.


    Posts: 5130

    For dryland coon, I use a lot of dirthole sets as well as the PVC set.
    They both work well along corn field edges. I also use a few bucket sets, and like Herb, I prefer the 160 over the 220.
    On your fencerows, the blind trail sets with 160’s should work well.

    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    AmWatson- you may want to take the fur count off before givng to much advice. lol

    Like was said the big boars tend to do a lot more roaming. Bucket sets work for the smaller ones around here if lucky.

    Whether on dry land or a creek bank a cubby/dirthole set is hard to beat. The trick on dry land is to have a backstop high enough so the coon has to approach from the front. That’s why high banks work so nice. In the timber I will try to find a downed log/ or large rock. The add material so the coon has to come to the door to get the goodies. Will be suprised how many coon will get the goods without getting caught. Punch a hole in the ground put the bait in it, trap in front, good to go. Be sure to keep your chains short. Too long and they will pull out tearing the area to pieces.

    Another good way to get some of the more tricky ones near water. Put some foil over the trap pan and set in the water in an open area. Moonlight reflecting off it attracts them, and BAMM!

    Nice thing about coon is they are easy. You can play with a few things to et the right one for your area.

    Good luck!!!!

    Posts: 5130


    AmWatson- you may want to take the fur count off before givng to much advice.

    Sorry, I guess I will go back to being a lurker
    I didn’t mean to try and help out, so I guess I will bow out and not give any more input in the trapping forum

    Posts: 1007


    AmWatson- you may want to take the fur count off before givng to much advice. lol


    And you are who, to be telling us what to do?

    Your posts are always read and apprecitated Watson, keep it up.

    Posts: 1007

    Lil Grizz, smear some paste bait in the bottom, have them on cables. Load up the truck the night before, then go. Knock ’em in, trail some fish oil and on to the next. FAST, EASY, and very efficent. Buckets are to cumbersome, time consuming, and won’t catch as many as footholds, in my experience.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100


    AmWatson- you may want to take the fur count off before givng to much advice. lol

    Steve White – not sure what positive thing can come out of your unnecessary comment above. If it wasn’t for AmWatson, there wouldn’t even be a trapping forum here on IDO. He’s the guy that started to report his trapping experiences on this site and from there it generated enough interest to warrant it’s own forum (which has allowed you now to participate). Your trapping insight and knowledge is certainly welcome here but let’s try and refrain from taking stabs at other members.

    Good luck this fall and we look forward to your trapping reports.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    AmWatson keep up the posts and advise–we love it. Anyone can be an expert on the internet. Don’t let one jerk ruin your attitude.


    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    Wow, people get way to serious at times. If it was meant to be hateful then the way to go symbol would not have been there.

    As any veteran knows you never stop learning. At times it is the young/new to the sport that come up with some serious inovation.

    I am a trapper going on 25yrs now. Every year I try something new in a new place. It’s the way we learn. Places like this hlep cut the learning curve down.

    Fur count 2007-
    Coyote 94
    beaver 72
    fox 43
    fisher 26(all released no tags)
    otter 9 ( same as above)
    bobcat 6 (same as above)

    Just a few critter, was kind of a slow year.

    I will try to be more sensitive in the future, so as not to hurt anyones feelings.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    WA is right-the Lil Grizz is a great trap. I like Coon Cuffs too. They are a bit pricey compared to other traps but they work well for coon.


    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    Here is a pic of a cubby set I like to build. Takes only a few minutes to put together. Keeps the coon from reaching in to get the bait from anywhere, but where the trap is. Notice the guide stick in front of the trap. I place it right at the edge of the trap jaw. This makes them step over onto the pan.

    Will try to get a pic posted of one of my buckets in the next day or so. Putting one out today so will take pics when I do.

    Also is a pic of a 33lb coon in that set. 2 days later got a nice buck mink in the same set.

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    Where is it you guys get your “dog proof” traps from?

    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    Bassmaster- There are several places to try Minnesota trap products, and Funke traps are the two I use mostly. Bunch more dealers out there. Still working on the coon catcher 5000 outlet!

    Here are a few pics of a WI legal bucket set. We have some tought rules as to depth of trap, and size of openings. Not the notch cut in the one side of bucket. This helps get the spring through. You will have to put the trp in unset, then set inside the bucket. Good thing for safety catches!!!

    Posts: 475

    Over the past couple of years I’ve had great luck w/ 160’s in blind trail sets… very effective and species specific. My 10 yr old son and I ran a dozen sets for a week and ended up w/ 21 ‘coon. It was a blast and he learned a lot in the process. I’ve also heard great things about the Lil Grizz traps… tried to buy some this fall but everyone was sold out.

    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    Str8shooter- You made me check and double check the rules again this morning!! I was always reading them as you could not set a coni on dry land. Reading them rules very careful I see you can under the right size.

    Still around here there are a lot of hunters with dogs so that is a huge concern with them. Suppose the 160 would be less lethal to a dog. Then if caught the average hunter may be able to open one.

    Thanks for opening my eyes!!

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Thank you VERY much for the pictures….it makes putting things together in my head a breeze looking at them

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