I know it is a little early, but I couldn’t help walking in the woods today looking for coon sign. Luckily I found sign of coon traveling in the same areas as the last few years. Water in the area is scarce, but there is still enough to keep the critters around the same areas. I also got a package in the mail today with 4 330’s in it I did a little swapping to get them. I traded 6 #1.5 coils, a bag of swivels, and a couple drags for the 330’s. I have never set one until today I have to admit, I cannot set them by hand That is one stout trap. I may try and deal with someone else to try and trade a couple 330’s for a couple good beaver sized footholds. Not sure what the 330’s are worth, but they still have the factory grease on 3 of them The guy said he set them 1 time and then hung them up. I am going to duck hunt to keep my mind occupied while waiting for the best season to open, TRAPPING
My trick for setting 330’s by hand is to use my feet. I put a foot intot he trap fram and pull up on the bottom of a spring. As it compresses and I can get my thumbs around the top portion, I am home free………
Maybe it’ll help you, maybe not. I really like coni’s and the 330’s are a go-to for me on the beaver/otter line in the fall. i use a lot more footholds in the spring, but fall/winter is coni time for me.
Watson-get a 3-4′ chunk of rope to keep on you at ALL times. Tie a loop big enough to get your foot through wearing the BIGGEST boot you will trap in. With the trap on the ground, run your foot through the loop, then run from the eye of the bottom spring through the top, back below and through the bottom again. Then pull tight, with this method, you will be able to set any bodygripper very easily, OR release yourself from the trap, when you get caught. It is literally a life saver.