Muskrat floats?

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    Does anybody use floats for muskrats? If so, how do you like them?

    I found pictures of several different styles from guys all across the country. There are some pretty creative individuals out there Most all the floats I seen were made from old wood that was laying around.
    The reason I ask, is I coon trapped a place last year that had rat sign, but I never found a single den, and I looked hard But, on every log or stump there were rat toilets. I figured if the floats actually worked, I plan on making a few up tomorrow with the material I have laying around. Well, I will more than likely make some anyway just for something to try
    If you guys have any input, lets hear it

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I’d go with stools instead of floats especially in a place I had to walk to.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    Yep–I like stools too. Make a stake out of 2×2 long enough you can put it in the bottom of your creek and still have the top of the stool at water level. Use a board for the top–I use a 1×6 about 18 inches long. A nail in the center sticking up holds the bait (corn is good but apple will catch less herons). Nail the rings of two No. 1 longsprings to the bottom of the board, when the traps are set I put a nail in the top board and cut the head off–there is a small hole in the base of the trap that slips over the headless nail to hold it in place–hope this makes sense!


    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    If you do want to use floats–some old styrofoam and a piece of plywood will get you started! They work good but a lot harder to get to the trap site.


    St Germain, WI
    Posts: 208

    Watson- Look for bank dens like beaver. In a lot of places they use them more. Most of them will be under water and a great place to trap. Landowners will be very happy you are around as well. The hole they make really damage the property.

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