Question for you trappers

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    So has anyone every caught a skunk still alive? What did you do to not get sprayed? I bet some of you have some pretty good stories.

    Posts: 1007

    up to 30+ a year, on a good year. Inject them with Acetone, so you can get the good stuff out of them. Walk up to them real slow, talking to them in a CALM manner, and inject them slowly, they are usually dead in seconds. No fuss no muss. Sprayed skunks, aren’t fun to deal with.

    Great White
    Vinton, Iowa
    Posts: 362

    .22 rifle bullet to the head from a distance! Then let them air out—never learned how to inject them.


    Posts: 1007


    .22 rifle bullet to the head from a distance! Then let them air out—never learned how to inject them.


    Spray 99% of the time that way. Shoot them through the lungs, with a short, and they will only spray 50% of the time.


    Posts: 5130

    I just caught and released 2 this week
    Skunks have a bad rap that really isn’t deserved, IMO.
    Talk to them quietly, move slowly, and they are calm animals. Of course mine were caught in Live traps

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    Talk to them quietly, move slowly, and they are calm animals

    That just blows me away I had never heard that before, that’s why I love this place I learn something new every day. Do you also inject them with acetone Mike? Have you ever been sprayed?

    Posts: 5130

    Luckily, I have not been sprayed….yet. I did have one give just a little spritz, but not enough to cause any concern.
    I have not used the “kill pole” technique using acetone. However, it is a widely used practice and is very effective.
    I actually like skunks, they are cool looking animals and fun to watch in the wild.

    Posts: 152

    I carry a .22 pistol on the line. I use mostly foot traps and snares, and unless I am trapping beaver I get the occational skunk. I have never felt real good about ending a skunk. Mostly because I want to see them in the wild so I can understand them better. Other than watching them run out of a hay field being mowed I have never seen them outside of the trap line or roadside.

    Posts: 1960


    I have never felt real good about ending a skunk. Mostly because I want to see them in the wild so I can understand them better.

    When I saw one ravage a pheasant nest – I felt I understood them enough. I no longer feel bad about offing one, in fact, I am quite all right with taking one out of commission.

    .22 short to the ribs for me – spray or no spray, a set that has caught a skunk is usually good for a fox(or yote) for me.


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