Yesterday I had a thief steal a rat from one of my traps and I was not too pleased. The tale tell signs were left on the bank so I knew exactly who it was and I planned my attack.
I set a #1.5 coil in front of the pocket rigged on a drowner set-up and then squirted the hole and bank with some fish oil.
The plan worked to perfection and I had a really nice bandit waiting for me in the water this morning.
But, the battle is far from over after todays check I found 3 more rats eaten this morning and they only left a little fur or the entrails on the bank. 1 of the thiefs even took the trap (second one this year
), but they at least left the stake on the bank
I am also finding out that setting near beaver dens will result in chewed off stakes
I have been using the drowner set-ups for coon for the first time this year and really liking them. They are a little more work to set-up, but well worth the extra time.
November 16, 2007 at 10:11 pm