I could use a little help, my 6th grader is starting trap league. I am not familiar with trap. I have only a few boxes of 20 gauge target load. What do most popular to shoot? 7,8,9 shot? My school is not supplying ammo, So I have to order another two cases and don’t want to end up with the wrong thing! Thank you!
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Trap league info for a newbie
March 23, 2022 at 9:40 pm #2110366
I think it’s terrific that the kids are getting into trap these days. My 7th grader is shooting this spring for the first time. His school has to limit the team size due to too many kids wanting to participate, so he couldn’t get on the team in 6th. But I’m thrilled he’s taken it up and he’s enjoying it a lot. We’ve had 2 practices and #3 is on Friday.
He’s shooting a 20 gauge as well, either 7.5 or 8 shot is the go-to. I don’t recall ever seeing #9 shot in a 20 gauge load. IMO, it’s less about what you want and more about getting whatever you can get when it comes to 20 gauge target loads. They are TOUGH to come by unless you don’t mind paying $12+++ a box. I’ve found both 7.5 and 8 shot sizes. IMO kids at this age are going to be missing by feet, not inches, so shot size makes very little difference.
So far, I’ve actually had good luck at Walmart. I got 10 boxes there about a week ago (Winchester white box loads) for $8-something a box, which these days is what passes for a decent price.
Hunter Seefeldt
Posts: 7March 23, 2022 at 9:58 pm #2110367I shot trap in high school I went to national a couple of types and won state 1 year with other wins along the way I alway used the cheapest shells I could find in 7.5 in my remington 870 is what I shot but i do recommend and have him shoot a full choke it helps them with a densitier pattern around the clay if you live in Central Minnesota I would be more than willing to show him a trick or two to help him improve his scores
March 24, 2022 at 7:39 am #2110382I never thought of Wal-Mart. I can’t get any ammo to come up on their website but I will look after practice on Sunday.
Thank you.March 24, 2022 at 8:19 am #2110399I can’t get any ammo to come up on their website but I will look after practice on Sunday.
No it doesn’t come up on the website and you can’t order it online there, you just have to show up in person and see if you get lucky.
If you have a Bass Pro / Cabelas / Whatever they call themselves now, they have had a fairly consistent supply of target ammo. The problem is 20 gauge have been running $10 a box, but when it’s the only choice. BTW, not sure where they get this stuff, but it’s very dirty ammo so watch out for buildup and clean as necessary.
Gitchi Gummi
Posts: 3482March 24, 2022 at 8:26 am #2110401He’s shooting a 20 gauge as well, either 7.5 or 8 shot is the go-to. I don’t recall ever seeing #9 shot in a 20 gauge load.
Remington makes a 9 shot target load for 20 gauge. I shoot it often both for target loads and grouse hunting and like it a lot.
But like Grouse said, really anything between 7.5 and 9 shot should get you dialed for trap shooting.
Posts: 890March 24, 2022 at 8:47 am #2110412My suggestion is if you find some ammo and its reasonable you better buy it. My one kid has shot approx 60 cases of trap load and he started at 10 years old. I wish I would have bought a pallet of ammo 5 years ago when it was $4 a box.
We use to Red shirt the kids who didn’t have their hunters safety certificate to help the coaches/parents keep a better eye on them which worked well.
It’s fun, do it while your kids are young and still around…March 24, 2022 at 8:51 am #2110414I never thought of Wal-Mart. I can’t get any ammo to come up on their website but I will look after practice on Sunday.
Thank you.Alexandria Walmart always has 12 ga trap loads in stock. 20 ga is there if you time it right. Limit of 3 boxes, but good supply.
Posts: 426March 24, 2022 at 11:56 am #2110523If he is going to stick with it I would seriously look into getting a 12 ga. With 1 oz loads the recoil is about the same plus 12 ga, is a lot easier to find and probably cheaper.
March 24, 2022 at 12:10 pm #2110529I would ask the coaches in the league what they recommend and where they are getting the ammunition. Our league started this way with everyone supplying their own, and eventually became organized enough to buy pallets of 20 gauge and 12 gauge ammunition. Now it is so streamlined that the coaches and sponsors handle it directly and the kids just show up. The fee to participate goes towards the ammunition, with our local fur, fish, and game clubs and businesses covering probably 2/3 of the cost of ammunition.
That’s interesting to hear clubs/teams are practicing on Fridays. Ours is exclusive to Sunday afternoons to avoid conflicts with other school sports that practice Monday-Friday. By holding it on Sundays, our participation grew exponentially and didn’t force kids to “choose” between activities.
March 24, 2022 at 1:43 pm #2110563Gitchi Gummi
Posts: 3482March 24, 2022 at 2:46 pm #2110588ammoseek is a handy website. looks like lots of 20 ga target load is available but it is very overpriced.
Here is the best deal I found and even these are twice as expensive as they were 3 years ago.
https://www.sportsmansoutdoorsuperstore.com/products2.cfm/ID/207557March 24, 2022 at 3:53 pm #2110617Talk to the guys at the trap range or to his Coach. Other than that, if it is 16 yard trap, 7 1/2 or 8 with a 1 oz load would probably be good. Do buy quality loads, Win AAA, Peters Trap loads, Fiocchi, etc. Loads with a true shot cup, not just a plastic sleeve like the cheapo dove loads have. Also if you do purchase quality loads, you can reload the hulls a few times. Chances are if you do not have the reloading equipment, another parent or friend may. There also may be regulations as to the loads your Child is able to use.
March 24, 2022 at 6:25 pm #2110651First, thank you for all the info. Yes, just getting the ammo has already been interesting. The rules state no reloaded shells, unfortunately.
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