Trailer problem

  • Wayne Daul
    Green Bay, Wi
    Posts: 348

    For some reason I can’t figure out when backing up my boat trailer the breaks lock up.
    They are surge breaks and the only way I can get them to work is to jerk forward and slow down slowly before attempting to back up. Rig is three years old and no problems till this. Do I just need to spray lube or is there some other fix required? In order to back into garage I had to tape up the small key to prevent the slide mechanics from engaging the breaks.

    Posts: 760

    Are your brakes suppose to shut off when the backup lights come on? Might want to check the fuses in your vehicle. I carry a C clamp instead of the key. Much easier to use.

    Posts: 4501

    The blue wire on the plug if you have it is to disengage the brakes when backing up, it works off the reverse light. If you have the 5 pin connector put a DVM on it and have someone put the truck in reverse and see if you have power, should be a easy fix

    Posts: 585

    I had the Same problem with my old trailer on my bass boat and it was just where it moves/slides it was rusted pretty bad. A little pb blaster and all was good.
    Than I sold the boat a year later

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