Trailer mover

  • Deuces
    Posts: 5307

    Sometime ago someone posted a link or had an idea for a snowblower that was modified to move around a trailer in tight quarters

    Anyone have any info on that? Looking at getting one for the alley

    Reef W
    Posts: 3202

    For lower capacity there are cheaper ones too like this: MaxxHaul 12″ Tires 70225 Trailer Dolly Pneumatic Tires-600 Lb. Maximum Capacity

    I got it for a pop-up camper that I can’t even budge by hand because the front is too heavy for me to lift the jackplate off the ground and with that I can move it around no problem.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5206

    I have one like EPG references. Pushed my Lund around in the alley great.

    It’s yours for a case of beer.

    Rod Bent
    Posts: 360

    I added a ball to my snowblower. It works ok.

    1. A34EDCF0-36EB-402A-B1C4-11C52D8E7058.jpeg

    Posts: 5307

    I have one like EPG references. Pushed my Lund around in the alley great.

    It’s yours for a case of beer.

    How big of a boat were you guys pushing around?

    I’m looking at a 16-17′ tiller maybe SC, wide though, maybe yarcraft, alum magnum, fishhawk etc. Alley has a slight incline up into space.

    Heck of an offer, will let ya know.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11109

    I use it to push around our enclosed job trailers. Can easily move them around loaded on a flat surface. Inclines I can push/pull an empty trailer.

    Rod Bent
    Posts: 360

    I have a 15’ Smokercraft with 15 hp tiller.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5206

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Matt Moen wrote:</div>
    I have one like EPG references. Pushed my Lund around in the alley great.

    It’s yours for a case of beer.

    How big of a boat were you guys pushing around?

    I’m looking at a 16-17′ tiller maybe SC, wide though, maybe yarcraft, alum magnum, fishhawk etc. Alley has a slight incline up into space.

    Heck of an offer, will let ya know.

    Lund 1700 pro sport….windshield boat so it was good size. Just sitting in my garage so no worries if you want to just give it a try.

    1. 994FF4BC-2739-40BB-AA86-B59EB28F8516.jpeg

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11109

    the 3rd wheel is bombdiggitty.

    Posts: 936

    I have one like EPG references. Pushed my Lund around in the alley great.

    It’s yours for a case of beer.

    I’ll take it if Beads doesn’t. PM sent.

    Posts: 3696

    Go the inexpensive route first and see if the smaller dollys or modded snowblower option work. If not there are other good options, but they do cost more. I had a 16 ft Yarcraft tiller that I had to fit into a smaller 3rd stall garage (or face divorce ;)

    The driveway had a bit of an incline and the boat needed to go in at a specific angle to get the door shut. I used a cheap dolly initially (and a lot of times my son if he was available) but he went off to college. After doing this 40 times a season and sometimes coming home after dark, I got frustrated and worn out. I opted for a Trailer Valet ( They were $300 back then but are more now (but better too). They even have a cordless drill option to make it really easy.

    It’s been a lifesaver and I no longer spend 20 minutes of back-breaking pushing a boat around manually into just the perfect position. I also upgraded to an 18.5 Lund and the Trailer Valet works just as well on that boat.

    Anyway, if you push a boat around long enough and start to dread it like I did, it may be an option that saves your back, shoulder, etc. down the line…

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    I use a front hitch on my truck for all the tight maneuvering at my house. It can usually be done for under $200. Having a 2 axle trailer, making turns with the el cheapo dolly was darn near impossible.

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