Looking for some help. My trailer crank is really hard. Went to grease fitting and zerk busted off. 2006 trailer. Any ideas of replacement of crank. It swivels in middle.
I’m assuming it’s the trailer jack and the swivel in the middle is where it pivots to the frame.
I was thinking he was talking about the winch. But now that I read your post I am guessing he was talking about the jack. I would also just replace it.
Yep sorry the jack is what I was talking about. Are the jacks pretty common or do I have to go to ranger?
Just pull it off (just use a hydraulic jack to hold the trailer if you have one) and go to Northern Tool. They should have one that works. Don’t skimp though, get a quality jack or your life will be miserable.
Use an easy out thread extractor and put a new zerk fitting in?
Many times they are not even threaded, just “pressed” in with a hammer…pretty shotty. But as mentioned you may just be able to extract if it broke off or “press” a new one in.