Trail Cam as Home Security Cam?

  • jwellsy
    Posts: 1683

    Have any of you guys used trail cams for home security? I’ve been thinking trail cams mounted in trees/bushes pointed at the house or up under the eves pointed away from the house would sure be nice in case some dirt bag breaks in.

    Any suggestions on which cams would be good for this kind of application?

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I have a couple up at the lake. We have great neighbors up there but there is a lady that, while harmless, is pretty nosy. Well we got some shots of her peeking in the windows.
    I think it’d be fun to print it out and have it facing the window in case she comes back.

    Posts: 1683

    Will trail cams work if they were inside the house and looking out a window?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12216

    I have cams set up at my hunting camp so I can see if anyone’s snooping around. I also have one set up on the driveway coming in. It’s on a slight curve so that it “looks” down the road and catches the license plate very nicely if anyone approaches by car or ATV.

    I’m not sure how useful game cams would be if true bad guys would show up for a couple of reasons. First, in this day and age, these things are so common that the baddies are going to be used to looking for them.

    You can’t “hide them in the bushes” most likely because the movement of the bushes will cause thousands of false triggers. IMO the best thing to do is put them up high. People are just not used to looking 12-15 feet up for cameras.

    But that produces other issues. First off the high angle makes it hard to capture faces especially if the perp is wearing a cap. Second, you need a ladder to check the cam and change batteries.

    IMO the best thing for security cameras is to buy one of these: The CamBush. These babies make cameras REALLY hard to spot as long as you mount them up higher.


    Posts: 1683

    What’s the difference between red led and blackout model cams? I saw this at that CamBush site.

    Posts: 2218

    Have any of you guys used trail cams for home security? I’ve been thinking trail cams mounted in trees/bushes pointed at the house or up under the eves pointed away from the house would sure be nice in case some dirt bag breaks in.

    Any suggestions on which cams would be good for this kind of application?

    No they will not work. Give us you address. doah

    Just pound in a post and set them up. Anything camera will work if the crooks don’t find it.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12216

    What’s the difference between red led and blackout model cams? I saw this at that CamBush site.

    Red leds are visible to the human eye if you happen to be looking at or near the cam when it goes off.

    Black led flashes are invisible.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I had a buddy who had kids breaking into cars in the neighborhood. I gave him one of my Bushnell trail cams. He set it up in his front window of his house pointing at his car. Caught the little crooks red handed. Gave pics to Police and they found a bunch of stolen items in their parents garage that were reported stolen in the neighborhood. Worked perfect.

    This cam had the red flash, but if I was going to use it for home security I would get the black flash.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I use all Browning cams and love them. I manage a couple rental properties and use them there in addition to construction sites, job trailer, and my own property.

    They have paid for themselves a couple times over and aided in a couple prosecutions.

    Go with the black LEDs

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