Well this traffic thread went in a wierd direction.

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Sorry to rabbit hole another thread!
In the interest of getting back on the topic of traffic law. One of my earliest memories is in the truck with Dad rounding the corner after the single lane bridge by Etter on a dark, rainy night. There were so many frogs covering the road we slid off into the ditch. I suspect those frogs brazenly broke several jaywalking laws. Frogs have no respect for AUtHoRitAh!
Snap have you ever needed to call the police or are you living in a cave off the grid?
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Snap wrote:</div>
PS socialism built or paid for the roads you drive on. Do you like toll roads?
Yes, I like toll roads and private roads. They are generally in better shape than the socialist roads.
I like toll roads because I like paying for the things I use. It seems odd that I would have to say that in words. But I guess modern times have changed things such that it becomes necessary to state the obvious.
I don’t like being forced to pay for the things I don’t use. I especially don’t like being forced to pay for things I consider bad or evil.
Driven through Indiana lately? The toll roads suck. The other highways are in the same condition. Taxes that pay for common goods like road, sewage, etc., are not socialist. They are the cost of living in a civilized nation. Try driving in countries that do not have effective governments. It’s a whole lot worse than around here.
Michigan toll roads suck also. You drive from patch to patch to patch.
Thanks to all that understand. I skimmed through the post. I wiĺl not comment on replies as it would serve no purpose. Hopefully attitudes will change in the near future for driving. Hey! I’ve done stupid stuff in my life while driving my vehicle but never obviously putting someone else’s life in danger.
Drove to NY state last summer. Try driving from Chicago thru Indiana on the interstate and tollways. RIDICULOUS! there must not be speed limits there because I felt like I was standing still doing 80 and cars were blasting past all over 100 everywhere. its all fun and games until some clown gives me the bird. I don’t tolerate disrespect well
When other drivers start to get under my skin I am often reminded of George Carlin’s classic take on driving.
“Everyone driving slower than me is an idiot and everyone driving faster than me is a maniac.”
Was traveling North on HWY 13 in Wisconsin, stop light,s set up because of road work on bridges . Truck pulling a 5th wheel with Government tags blew past like was standing still! I caught up with him at the next temporary stop light, took a picture of the 5th wheel tags . We were in line to go and this guy blows the red light ? Guy driving like an idiot , with a government vehicle ?
The road i drive to work everyday is terrible. Not with speeders but slow driving j offs. Its about a 10 mile curvy road with only a few places to pass. Problem is everyone you come up on going 45 turns into Dale Earnhardt when you try to pass. If you wanna go 45 then why do you need to go 90 when I try to pass. Last week the old lady was bringing the kids to work to visit me when she got here she was still shaking because she tried to pass someone going 40 in a 55. She said she got up to 83 and still couldnt get around and twice tried to slow down and get back behind and they would slow down to. A 30 year old mom with a 3 and 4 year old. She didnt know what to to so she said she almost had to stop. I would have ran them off the road at that point if i didnt have the kids with. Last year had a truck do that almost everyday to me for a few weeks til one morning i got in front and stopped guy wouldnt get out and never did it again.
Just get up 5 minutes earlier. Stressing or getting into a head on isn’t going to make your life any better.
I’ll say it…..
Slow people pisss me off
If you don’t feel safe driving at LEAST the speed limit, you probably shouldn’t be on the road.
I don’t expect people to drive 70 miles an hour in a 55…..but no cop in the world will give you a ticket for going 5 or 6 or 7 over on a highway, county road, freeway, etc (like 90% of other people on the road)
Before someone calls me a maniac or tells me to get up earlier (I get up at 4:45 and get to work 20 to 30 minutes early), please realize I average a speeding ticket every decade
Go with the flow….. Don’t be a deadhead in the river channel lol
Slow people urine me off also. However this world is spinning far to fast right now. People need to relax a bit, stress over things you can control and things that effect your family. Driving behind a slow driver is maddening but pulling around and hurting or killing yourself or someone else isn’t real good either.
Amazing how far you can get at 50 mph in 5 minutes.
.but no cop in the world will give you a ticket for going 5 or 6 or 7 over on a highway, county road, freeway, etc (like 90% of other people on the road)
I know one.
Gave me a warning for 2.5mph over speed limit. Didn’t have to travel the world, this was mankato mn on hwy 60.
He didn’t like me passing him apparently… clean, dry roads limit 65. I was going 67.5 and had a GPS in the dash.
I’ve gotten a warning for driving on the wrong side of the river once too.
I’ve gotten a warning for driving on the wrong side of the river once too.
Lawbreaking scoundrel!!
I had a gal in the lane next to me going 70+ pouring herself a beverage( bottle into cup) steering with her elbows.???
Heavy fog….. Who needs lights on?? About 25% of the drivers today
I’ll say it…..
Slow people pisss me off
If you don’t feel safe driving at LEAST the speed limit, you probably shouldn’t be on the road.
I don’t expect people to drive 70 miles an hour in a 55…..but no cop in the world will give you a ticket for going 5 or 6 or 7 over on a highway, county road, freeway, etc (like 90% of other people on the road)
Before someone calls me a maniac or tells me to get up earlier (I get up at 4:45 and get to work 20 to 30 minutes early), please realize I average a speeding ticket every decade
Go with the flow….. Don’t be a deadhead in the river channel lol
“at least the speed limit”? The speed limit is just that, the MAXIMUN speed for that road under good conditions. It is NOT the minimum speed, nor is it just a suggested speed.
If the law was enforced, then the “flow” would follow. The law does not allow one to overwrite his bank account by 10 percent. The law does not allow your employer to make you work 10 percent more hours than what you are paid for.
Feeling entitled to exceed the limit by 10 or 15 percent, does that mean one gets an extra 10 or 15 percent more time to cross the intersection after the green light turns to red? It sure seems like the same mindset.
Don’t disrupt the flow of traffic. It’s safer for everyone to go with the flow, and yes, even if you’re “speeding” 5mph over like an outlaw lol
If you insist on going below the speed limit, at least check your rearview mirror and have the courtesy to pull over when there is a line of cars on your tail. (I do when towing at/around the speed limit)
The guy who taught me how to drive…Not the guy in high school, but an older friend who knew what he was doing…..once told me “If you change your speed or direction is such a way that it forces someone else to change their speed or direction, you probably just screwed up.” I think he is right, and I’ve always tried to drive with that in mind.
He also told me to assume everyone around you is a homicidal maniac, and think about what stupid thing they could do to kill you. So when they eventually do something stupid you’re already prepared.
Drove to NY state last summer. Try driving from Chicago thru Indiana on the interstate and tollways. RIDICULOUS! there must not be speed limits there because I felt like I was standing still doing 80 and cars were blasting past all over 100 everywhere. its all fun and games until some clown gives me the bird. I don’t tolerate disrespect well
Done that many times.The chances of getting a ticket outside of a work zone seem to be nil.When I lived in Racine,I would take 41/94 through downtown at non-rush hours.Average speed was around 25 mph over posted.Many times faster than tollway.
Heavy fog….. Who needs lights on?? About 25% of the drivers today
By FAR my biggest pet peave when driving. It has surpassed the idiots that don’t use their blinker. I honestly wonder how many people out there really have NO CLUE how to turn their lights on manually…
,,,,,,,,,,,,even if you’re “speeding” 5mph over like an outlaw lol
My point exactly; Enforce the law and the flow will follow. Folks feel entitled to exceed the limits in other aspects as well. The DNR enforces the limits to the letter, there is no 10 to 15 percent grace for being over limit. Thus, as a general rule, the majority of folks abide by the limits.
Do the same for driving violations and the end result will be the majority of folks will not be exceeding the limits.
On the other hand, maybe an extra 2 or 3 fish over on a 20 fish limit is OK, after all that’s only 10 to 15 percent over, right.
Dave, as I’m sure you’ve noticed over the years, speed limits are guidelines that aren’t followed to a tee.
How you made the jump of one mph being equal to one walleye (an actual object) is hilarious
Get in that left lane and show people how fast you want the highway to be going
This thread is like a therapy session. Everyone get it out. This is a safe place.
I was just going 71 in a 65 coming home from Rochester. Now im off to poach some walleyes.
Please don’t tell my kids
If you drive 60 in a 55 without your mask on it means you want to kill grandma.
How you made the jump of one mph being equal to one walleye (an actual object) is hilarious
Show me where I mentioned MPH,,,,,,,,,,,, My comments were comparing an equal percentage of being over the limit. What ever that limit might apply to, you either abide by the limit or you don’t. Seems simple enough to understand.
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