Dick Hiley St Jude Bass Classic

  • hisser
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 158

    With the uncertainty of the water levels at the end of April we have picked an alternate date for the tournament SHOULD WE NEED IT. August 6 and 7 will be the date only if the water is too high on the original date. We have also moved the date for the early entry fee of $350 out to April 8th after that it will be $400. See the website for additional information and updates http://www.stjudefishing.com We will do everything in our power to hold to the original date.

    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 158

    Well it looks like the gods are smiling on us I will wait until Wednesday the 20th to make the final call but things are looking good for the Tournament to go off as scheduled. If you are thinking of getting in do so by midnight on the 22nd, after that no more entries will be accepted. Watch for more updates

    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 158

    WE ARE A GO For April 30 and May 1, Remember Friday is the last day to enter.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 38

    Congrats to Josh and Brad! Nice fish guys.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12375

    Kind of sad to see all the 0’s behind the funraising totals – Expecially the winners Congrats to all those who did a great job of fundraising as well as fishing

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