No Silverado Bass tour 2011

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12610

    I found out this last weekend that the Silverado Bass Tour has been canceled for 2011. Also, after looking at the schedule on Classic Bass for 2011 it looks like the # of tourneys is way down from years past. Overall I think it is good for tournament fishing. There has just been way to many the last few years. Just currious what tournament / tournaments is likely to gain the most from the loss of the Silverado. Given the cost of the Silverado and talent of the fisherman I’d think the Super Slam and denny’s events may benefit the most. Did anyone from here fish the Silverado last season? if so what series are you most likely to fish this upcomming season?

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043


    I have fished the Silverados and this is sad that the support is not longer there.

    Too bad. Another casualty of the economy.


    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Thumper –

    Part of the problem was the same lakes, over and over again.

    MN fishermen get bored and like a change of pace.


    Posts: 1530

    Interesting! I’ve been fishing money circuits since the late 70’s and a lot of circuits have come and gone. My take is guys are enthusiast at the beginning, but as the better teams and fisherman rise to the top, more guys feel they can’t compete and drop out. It’s just a numbers game. I’ve been on both sides and I can understand. I guess if you don’t improve along the way it is hard to justify shelling out the entree fees.
    The granddaddy of the local circuits is Denny’s. It’s a good circuit but I’m not sure why he has survived so long. Somehow he has a loyal following.
    My tournament attitude has chance a lot over the years, and now I’m just sticking close to home. Running all over the state just doesn’t appeal anymore.


    Posts: 174


    The granddaddy of the local circuits is Denny’s. It’s a good circuit but I’m not sure why he has survived so long. Somehow he has a loyal following.

    I’ve been fishing Denny’s since the mid 90’s. Many of the guys fishing his tournaments have. VERY loyal following! I’d say it’s because of two things. He offers the highest payouts. And doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to the tournament day, ease off, weigh in, etc. He has everything organized, and operates quickly. Having a circuit on Minnetonka doesn’t hurt either!

    I fished a tournament late last summer where it took nearly two hours to weigh in 20 teams. What a joke!

    I was giving the Silverado another year, and was thinking they may not even pull 30 teams this year. It had it’s pros, but many more cons, IMO.

    I’m sure it will be back. At least Billy should start up another circuit. he did a good job.

    Burnsville, Minnesota
    Posts: 75

    About Denny’s- Maybe this is just plain old history or being uneducated, but I have refused to fish Denny’s tournaments based upon a childhood memory. As a child, my parents had a place on the Whitefish chain and we would venture up there every weekend all summer long. One of my favorite weekends was when the Denny’s tournament would come and weigh in at C&C Boatworks. That Saturday, my dad would wake me up early and we would go bass fish the chain and then compare our weights to the “pro’s” as I considered them. I was brought up to revere any fish we caught, we always unhooked, weighed, and released every fish as if it were the most precious to the land. The last vivid memory I have is watching a weigh in, where of course the leaders crushed our weights (but they were suppose to), But much to my disgust, I watched team after team just dump their bags off the end of the dock and walk away. I sat there at the end of that dock and counted the 3+ lb dead fish laying at the bottom of the lake. I forget the actual number, but will never forget the image in my mind. Now, as a adult, I refuse to fish his tournaments or support any of those “pro’s” that I worshipped that were a part of that. That list included, both Ted Capra and Ron Lindner, both I watched and know emptied their sacks at that spot. Since then I have not entered Capra’s store, or bought one of the Lindner’s products.
    As misguided as my anger is, I know that tournament anglers and tournament circuits can do better. We are viewed by the public as a nuisance and a detriment to the lake, it should be our task to do everything we can to NEVER create this image for anyone to remember.

    Posts: 174

    That was all part of C&C’s turtle feeding program.

    No dead bass went to waste. It’s part of the “giving back” tournament anglers are known for.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1924

    Not to condone this, because I tournament fish and always do everything in my power to keep fish alive. After weighing my fish I always gently return them to the lake and stay around to nurse any of them if they should look shakey. That being said, Indians and poachers kill about 10,000 times the amount of fish as tournaments.

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