Any tounraments on the river?

  • redneckjr
    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    Hey guys,
    I know this is out of place for me(being a walleye guy and all) but I was wondering if there were any bass tournaments coming up on pool 3, st. croix, or pool 4. Doesn’t have to be big I’ve just got the itch to fish one.

    Posts: 103

    Saturday, August 1
    Pools 4, 5 and 5a
    Headquartered at Dairyland Power Landing – Alma

    $150 entry per boat (includes big bass)
    additional $20 big bass side pot option
    5 fish limit, lone boaters welcome (otherwise, two person team)

    80% payback of entry fees
    1st Place plaques provided by Al’s Specialty Marine

    Entry forms at Daniel’s Ace Hardware or by emailing

    All proceeds help fund community youth activities.

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