Congrats to Steve and Tony DeZurik

  • coppertop
    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    St. Stephens Lions Club 14th. annual smallmouth tourney results. This was held on Aug 5th. on the upper Miss North. 5 fish limit #1. Steve and Tony DeZurik 15.28lbs. #2 Scott Christman and Dan Symanietz 14.72lbs. #3 Alvin Mack and teamate 14.58 lbs. This tourney had a total of 62 boats and some great bags. Sorry Mack hopefully you can fill in your partners name for me. My partner and I tried our best to hang with the big dogs but after having the biggun come unglued we ended up 10th. (sorry Jim)

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Congrats Steve and Tony !!!

    tell Tony I said hello

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Congrats Guys

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Nice job guys!

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 299


    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199


    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Congrats guys!

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 344

    Congrats guys! Nice bag of fish!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Congrats guys.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Congrats Team DeeZee!

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108

    Super job Steve & Tony Dez…Congrats to all who placed! My pard & I couldn’t get the bigguns to bite, but we had a great time none the less!!

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128

    Thank you guys!
    Congrats to all that placed.

    Its amazing what kind of surprises a one day event will bring. One big fish on most days up this way can sure make a difference by days end.

    A little recap of our day.
    Tony and I decided it was best to run south for the first couple of hours with the expected number of jets running north. We were hoping to stick a couple nice fish south and then go north to fill the rest of the bag. Tony’s second cast of the day had a big smallie blow up on a topwater and we could not get that fish to chew again, so we stayed on the move. About 8:00am I rose a nice smallie on a topwater and I immediately reeled the topwater rod in and picked up another rod and threw out a 1/16th oz Riverbug and that 3-1/2# smallie completely inhaled that Riverbug on the drop. That was a fun fish! At 9:00am we decided that we hit all the spots that we wanted to hit, so we headed up river with one nice smallie in the box. From 9:00am until noon we could not produce another weighable fish, plenty of little 14-15″ fish, but nothing that was going to take you to the win column. We hit our number one pre-fish spot 3 times throughout the day and never produced a smallie…..We wanted to panic but realized that was not going to get us anywhere, so we shifted gears 180 degrees and started hitting every single little nook and cranny and went into the finesse mode and went slow and started connecting with nicer smallies one at a time. A couple nice 3# fish came on a wacky rigged YUM Dinger and one on a tube. At 2:30 (weigh in at 3:00pm) we made a desperate move to get our final 5th weighable fish. We went back to our nummber one pre-fishing spot in hopes of coping one out of an area that took some time to fish. Within a couple casts Tony hooks up on a nice 3#+ fish! We both made several casts to this spot and about on the 5th cast in there, this smallie hit. Little did we know that was the fish that made the difference for the day.
    Overall we caught lots of fish, just 5 nice ones for the day. I guess it pays to be better lucky than good on a one day event!!!

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