A few years ago in our club open we had this sort of thing happen..One of our own members fished with his friend and won the tourney. Second hand info came down later and found out that his wife/girlfriend met them and “delivered” them some fish. But again this was “second” hand info. So the guys in the club started questioning the two guys seperately..like nothing was wrong…General info like where you caught them and how. Well to make a long story short, they couldn’t even lie right.
In my lowly opinion that if that sort of thing happens(ed), make sure of the source of info. And maybe question others about it. Or if you know who it was take them aside and question them. Chances are they would lie..but maybe something just would jive to give you enough to maybe go to the tournament director with. If that how you feel.
I think most guys may just blow it off? Sad thing is that this probably happens more than we would like to admit. By your question in this post I’m guessing that this has or is happening to you? Personally, I would find out whom it was and question them. Even if they deny it. They know they may have been busted….Only my thoughts…
Here’s a question to go with yours. If you are someone who has cheated or does cheat and tourneys..What personal reward could you possible get out of it? Not including any moneys won????????