RCL Leauge Championship

  • MFO
    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    I was curious how many of the guys from the board are going? I know I am. I plan to stay at the Country Club (or something like that). I’ll be heading down Aug 29th. How about the rest of you? Need someone to share a cold beverage withya know.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    If you guy’s are looking to have a cold one……stop by at the Blue Water Cabaret and have a cold one with my good friend Bill. It’s on the east Okobji side…..Oh by the way he own’s the place….Bill and Sandy Leathers
    Sandys mother has a nice place to eat, I think it’s called Jake’s smoke house or something like that? Any how Bill and I grew up together here on Mille Lacs, hunting….fishing….and whatever else we could do around these parts!!!!He might even tell you where the fish are biting?

    Mounds View, Minnesota
    Posts: 10

    I’ll be there. Hopefully I will be prefishing the 4th and the 5th. If anyone needs a prefishing partner, please let me know. I’m already too excited concentrate on work!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Nate will be down there and I will go down to prefish with him for a couple days. Then maybe do some smallie fishin with a friend while the tournaments on. Sounds like fun. Thanks, Bill

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Wish all of you who will compete the best of luck.These are my home waters and would enjoy meeting you guys while your in the area.Take care.
    Ryan Hale

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I’m in! I know Chappy wants to bring his fifth wheel down for a bunch of us to stay in. Any contacts for that would be great!

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    There is a motorhome park my buddy’s parents are at. I think its called Cutty’s. There might be some room at the park right at the Emerson Access.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Good Luck down there guys!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I will be there. I am staying at The Inn on West Okiboji. Looks like a nice place and it is pretty reasonable with discounts for 3 and 4 night stays. I am fishing the co-boater side. I am heading down early to prefish with the pro I fished the first league event with on Pool 3. I am really excited and looking forward to it.
    Good luck to everyone.
    Buckshot (John Blanchard)

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Fellow campers,to get into Cutty’s you have to be a member,sorry.But there are 2 really good campgrounds in the area.One is on Emerson Bay(West Okoboji),the other is on Marble Beach(Spirit Lake).Alot of hook-ups for you guys.Both of these are very close to your tournament waters,so driving will not be a issue.They will be $16-18 a night for electric.Again if any of you need anything give me a hollar.I want to make this as easy as I can for my fellow EFN friends.
    Ryan Hale

    Farmington, Minnesota
    Posts: 229

    I’ll be there for sure. Plan to pre-fish for two days with Nick Peterson. If anyone wants to hop in, let me know. Good luck to all from the board, and lets all show them what us “river rats” can do. Anyone know what the fishing is typically like there at that time of the year?

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Ryan , Do these campsites have any websites? or Phone Numbers?

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Chappy,these are DNR ran campsites,not private.Here is some info on them for you.Emerson Bay,12 acres,60 electric,57 non-electric,dump station,This site is right on West Okoboji with a boat ramp.Here is a few #’s for you guys for this site.(712)337-3211 or 337-3805.
    Marble Beach camping area is on Spirit Lake which is only a few miles from East Okoboji.64 acres,100 electric,124 non-electric,dump station.Here the #’s (712)337-3211,336-4437.
    Hope this helps out!
    Ryan Hale

    Mounds View, Minnesota
    Posts: 10

    I hate to sound stupit, but it won’t be the first time. Is the championship ran on the same format as the “super” tournaments? Is there a cut after Saturday, or is it just a one day event? Thanks for the answer.

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    All 100 baots fish Sat. Only the top 15 fish Sun with a redraw for partners.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Good luck to all you guys down in Iowa!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I just checked on camping at Emerson Bay and he said they don’t take resv. It’s first come first served. I only know of Tuck and I staying in the trailer,anyone else interested? Should have room for 2 more unless someone want’s to sleep on the floor.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    None of the state run campsites in Iowa will take resr. The best you can do is have someone post your name on a campsite then you hav to pay for the full time the site is posted. Even this is not foolproof as people will remove your posting and put up their own. It helps if you leave some equipment like lawn chairs or a cooler at the site. They don,t seem to get stolen and it keeps your site rom being pirated. Good luck!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Will see all you guys down there on the water or at the campground. Weathers getting cooler so should be nicer on the water [less heat] and hopefully the fish might start cooperating. Reports don’t sound good but thats why its called fishing. See ya there. Thanks, Bill and Nate

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    I’m going to the weigh-in today.I’ll put up a report when I get back.Hope are boys from the site put on a good show.The bite has not been very good with some small fish being caught.
    Ryan Hale

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Thanks Ryan…….I’ll be checking in later today!

    Good Luck all…….

    Posts: 121

    My predition is Keith Daniels,fondulac,wi or Troy Sauders from Menasha,wi will do well,why? they both missed my wedding do to prefishing and I Know they were on good fish.Go getem guys.From the board I will support Tuck,he is a class act and a contender anywhere he fishes,not just a onepoolwonder.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Tough bite!Out of 92 teams only 35 brought fish to the scales.Mike Finke finished 27th with 1 fish.Nate Caldwell did not bring a weigh fish in.Brian Hilgarner(Bri-bigeyes)is in 2nd on the co-angler side.Sorry for you guys as I know you have worked very hard to get where your at.Keep trying and wish you all the best of luck in future tourneys.It was very nice to meet Mike,Bill, and Brian.All very nice people.
    Ryan Hale

    Posts: 121

    Go to flwoutdoors.com for results first of all,and what a surprize Matt Thompson in 4th i thought you were a musky guy,LOL and Rick Grable right up there too, that old green and gold ranger must still have some luck in her.(my old 619).

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549

    Nice job Brian and Chappy on the co-side. A good day tomorrow could win it for either one of you!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Was really nice meeting you too Ryan. Felt good to get home and get cleaned up and a hair cut after camping and fishing for a week. Can’t wait to get back out on the river. A slow hard week of fishing somewhere else sure makes you appreciate your own home body of water. I do have to admit that Okoboji is a great place to vacation with your family for boating and the Arnolds Park Amusement park and there are lots of bluegills the size of your hand in the lake. [guess what I did while the tournament was on.] Am hoping to make it down to fish Spirit Lake for walleyes next year. [lake next to Okoboji]. Again great meeting you and hopefully we have more time to talk and maybe fish. Thanks, Bill

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Dave, Did you happen to see the shirt I was wearing??? That’s right,the GREEN ONE!!! fishies dig it too!!!!!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549

    I saw it. Maybe he wears it to draw attention from that ugly mug of his. If he keeps placing in the top ten, I may break down and get my own ugly lime green shirt.

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    Oh come on Dave, You got more class than that, don’t you?
    How about Glow Pink, you know the color that makes some people puke!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    It take’s a big fella to wear a shirt like that,and if I keep making money wearing it guess what? I’ll wear it!!!! If I die my wife will probably auction it off. LOL
    Hook ,you should probably get one big guy,you’d lok pretty good in it.

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