Who won and where are the results

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Nate Cadwell was in the tournament Im sure the results will be up soon. He runs this forum!
I wish I was Fishing after the frickin Wild Game.
Its duck hunting season Now!!!
Chuck Dube and his Am won with 21-7 on 5 fish. All places should be available sunday.
As in the past fishing with FLW Outdoors,(Sonny’s RCL Staff), was Fantastic
I fished this one as a co-angler and it was my first day ever in a boat on pool 3 and it was an eyeopener. I saw the dirtiest water,(silty),full of debri some the size of wooden fence posts, give up a lot of nice fish. Chuck and Jeff Berg pulled first and third right among 15 or so other boats. We only had one nice size fish on all day and it did the superline rip when the boat wouldn’t pop out of gear,(boy do I hate superline),but we caught fish not just the right ones.
My boater partner Scott had us right in the right area, but we just didn’t make it happen. To Scott’s credit he chose for the most part to give Chuck and Jeff plenty of room, since they weren’t the exact spot on the spots he had found. By afternoon 6 to 10 boats finally figured out what Chuck was doing,(we did about 10 am and tried it in the surrounding areas, couldn’t match Jeff cause we didn’t have the “Right Stuff”),and even the outskirts we were pulling through most of the time became more like bumper boats, and playing chicken and we went to two of his seconday spots and grabed a few more fish , but again they were the wrong ones. Regardless this one day totally changed my entire picture of fishing muddy debri filled backwater. It will be hard to not try it many times in the future to make sure it wasn’t a one pool, one place deal.
It is only fair to let them decide if they want to share that info. They have obviously both spent a lot of time and effort refining what they were doing to the max and that is no surprise to me in Jeff’s case. I have the pleasure of prefishing with him at the Pro RCL Tourneys. This is the first time I have ever fished around Chuck.
Hey Madtom, Welcome to the message board and FTR. I just posted the standings for the tournament as I got back home a day and half earlier than I planned due to high winds, rain, broncitus [sp], and a nice leaky camper roof. Last year I gave up most of my weekends fishing to be at weigh ins, or at home on the computer to track the tournaments for results so they got posted right away. This year I’ve decided to have a fishing life too. I will keep up as much as possible and will open this up for anyone who knows about tournament results to go ahead and feel free to post the results and or info that they come across. This is not Nates or my forum, we just try to keep it going and bring you some info. It is the FTR members forum, it is here for you to enjoy, and everyone on this message board is a member, so please feel free to make post on any tournament info too. Jarred, yes this was a pool 3 only tournament which made it real interesting. Pool 3 is new to Nate, and I was on pool 3 for the first time in my life Friday when I prefished with Nate. We had 19 lbs. for the best 5 fish, great day. Nate caught all but one of those 5 fish. On Sat., the boat that watched us on Friday, got to that best spot before Nate and sat on it all day. He even cheered when a huge eye came off for Nate at the boat which mean’t that fish was still in the water for, maybe him, to catch.
Made for an interesting tourney. The tournament was very well run and 99% of the anglers were polite and fun to fish with Nate said. A great circuit and lots of fun fishing it he says. Thanks, Bill
Boy did we ever stink the only teams we beat had no fish at all. Unfortunately even at this point I still don’t have a clue what we did wrong. Yah we lost one nice fish, but I’m sure others did, too.
Thats why they call it fishing and not catching. You know, if we put alot of fish in the boat everyday sooner or later it could get boring. [But woulded it be great to be bored. lol ] Thanks, Bill
I just wanted to put a thanks out there to everyone that was involved at the RCL. It was a great tournament. I fished as a co-angler and I would recommend it to everyone who is serious about their fishing. I’ve really come to know Pool 3 in the past 7 years and fishing with the pro’s taught me a lot of tricks and spots after I thought I knew the pool pretty darn good. it is an awesome learning experience! You come to realize that the tournaments involve a ton of patience and strategy, and a little luck can go a long way. Good job to everyone in the tourney!
It was a very fun event. My partner and I were fortunate enough to catch 5 fish and end up 21st. They weren’t they same size as I had prefishing, but for my first time fishing Pool 3 I was very happy. We caught our fish on sand breaks and dunes. In less than 10′ we were long lining #7 Shad Raps. When we were deeper than 10′ we pulled 3-ways with either #11 Original Raps or Phelps Floaters with minnows or leeches. The 5 fish we weighed were our only legals, but we caught lots of shorts. While prefishing the same area the fish were running 18″-24″.
Tuck and I also stunk it up! I did find a couple of new spots to try though and a couple new tech. It sure was an enjoyable day too and we only caght one fish we could weigh out of around 20.
About 10:00 Tuck said oh oh, look at the water coming over the wing dam,It was considerably more than at say 8:00,they openned the rollers at the dam and the fish were gone!!!!
I had a good time. I had never fished Pool 3 before and my boater was on it the week before for the 1st time prefishing. He had found enough keepers the week before to weigh 5 fish and luckily there were there for the tourney. He knew that we wouldnt come in w/ many big fish, but a limit of 5 was good enough. We probably sorted through 60 fish and came up with 8 legals.
Fun time!
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