Winona Boy leading RCL day 1

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I see there is a Winona boy leading the Lake Sharpe RCL event. Anyone know this gentleman??

    Rick Nascak

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    He’s an excellent angler from the area. Did real well last year in the RCL championship up in Hastings and has a long history of top finishes. I believe he fishes the MWC, at least he is in the fall event on Pepin each Sept. He used to run a Tracker Targa, I believe, not sure which boat he runs now but obviously, if he’s fishing the RCL, that has changed.

    Wish him some luck guys!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Rick runs a Ranger boat. Great to see a local person doing great in the tournaments. He had a fantastic year last year with both the RCL and MWC. Thanks, Bill

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    Rick runs a Ranger with an Evinrude.

    Rick and Joe Wilson team with the guys from Red Wing that I went with John Renschen, Steve Delain, and Bob Bodin who all run Ranger.

    It was differnt fishing out there with the water level raiseing and dropping about 3 ft everyday. In the morning you would go out and see sand bars all over the place and at about 9am they would let the water out of the dam and in 15 min the water would be up 3ft.

    Then it would stay that way all day and go back down at night, but then the next day they wouldnt let it out at all.

    You sure catch alot of small fish. Steve and I had one really good day with 2 5’s and a 6, but other then that 19 inches was a big fish!

    Our numbers of fish came from trolling and our bigger fish came from pitching plastics.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Sounds just like it’s always been. No bite until the current started pumping. Used to go out and find all kinds of stuff on those sand bars, it’s funny how one little twig can snag so many rapalas.

    Posts: 2

    Thanks for the support on your website. I’ve been working with a great bunch of guys – Steve DeLain, John Renschen, Joe Wilson, and Bob Bodin. Yes, the bite was a challenge, changing daily with the need for power, but the experience was great.
    Keep up the good job on the site!

    Rick Nascak

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    Nice finish Rick !!!

    And way to go Smokin Joe

    Posts: 23

    Thanks Brian, We had it for 2 out of the four days, just not the right one. Like Rick mentioned it is a great asset to be working with a great bunch of guys like we are. On to Erie…

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