How would you guys feel about creating a tournament stamp? I would like to start some discussion on this issue. We are seriously considering introducing a tournament stamp proposal in Wisconsin. This would be a stamp that you would be required to have to fish a DNR permitted tourney in Wisconsin. If this were to pass, how should the DNR spend the money? My thought is they could create a full time position to administer tournament fishing in Wisconsin. Also maybe there would be funds available for educating tournament directors on how to properly conduct a tournament. Maybe there would be money available to buy airation equipment and tanks for weigh-ins. What would be a fair price for this stamp? And should we consider all competitive fishing tournaments such as club tournaments, and ice fishing contests in the permit process. As of now in Wisconsin most of those smaller events are exempt from permits. I would really apreciate your thoughts on this idea guys, positive or negative. Thanks
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Fishing Tournament HQ » Bass Tournament HQ » Tournament Stamp
Tournament Stamp
February 18, 2003 at 3:11 am #252470
Bait Caster, personally I would be against it. It’s not that the money raised and spent in the ways you described would be all that bad but adding another fee in my opinion is overkill. I can see alot of ice fisherman who fish ice fisheree’s saying no way would they pay an extra fee. This would hurt these and other small tournaments who raise money many times for worthy causes. To me it’s just another hidden tax added to the growing number of user fees.
I think most big tournaments are already doing a fine job of handling and releasing fish. Some may do a better job than the tanks and aeration equipment that the DNR might provide.
Don Hanson
Posts: 2073February 18, 2003 at 3:15 pm #252508Just another way for the DNR to bleed money out of sportsman. A portion of the entry fee already goes into conservation or directly to the fisheries the circuit is fishing. Seems pointless and something an anti would come up with.
DonFebruary 18, 2003 at 3:24 pm #252510NO WAY IT COST US TOURNEY GUYS & GALS WAY TO MUCH THE WAY IT IS NOW !
Posts: 780February 19, 2003 at 3:03 am #252539It’s said the “devil’s in the detail” and we haven’t seen much detail yet about a possible tourney stamp. It’s interesting that it may actually lend some legitamacy to tournament fishing, something that may now be lacking. There’s something to be said for a group that wants to pay its own way by providing funding that specifically targets their cause. Where would trout, salmon, pheasants and turkey be without their stamps — their funds that are used specifically for their cause? It’s premature and short sighted to dismiss this idea because it’s anit-fishing. The person is likely very pro-angling.
February 19, 2003 at 4:12 am #252548No tournament fisherman can deny that there is a anti tournament sentiment growing. And we, as competitive fisherman have to realize this and be pro-active to curb this movement. There are countless lake associations who want no part of tournament fishing on their lakes. And this is not because we are damaging the resource, but simply because we are there. Now we have to come up with a way to legitimize our sport, and it may cost us a few bucks. But once we are paying, we’ll probably have a lot more say in what we are doing. Like it or not our DNR is strapped for cash. And as it pertains to tournament fishing there is a cost above and beyond the normal fishing liscense fee. I beleive that a tournament stamp would make all tournament fisherman a partner with the DNR in determining any new legislation. Thanks for your thoughts and ideas guys. Please keep them coming.
Don Hanson
Posts: 2073February 19, 2003 at 2:47 pm #252564How do you rationalize that there is no legitimacy in tournament angling? Most methods we all use today come from tournament anglers. There are also fishing clubs that get most of their funding from the tournament circuit that is held on their lake. As far as paying our own way, as I stated part of the entry fee goes for conservation. My point is why should tournament anglers pay twice. Besides the entry fee most tourney anglers hold license from multiple states. ( also used for conservation). The anti I was refering to was anti tournament not anti fishing. See I do not just fish tournments, in fact most or the time I am a weekend angler. So I do not understand the division, we are all on the same side. What is premature and short sighted is to think tournament anglers should foot the whole conservation bill.
DonDon Hanson
Posts: 2073February 19, 2003 at 9:54 pm #252580Don, you are right it, is public water and I apologize for that statement. We certainly do not want this to become a lake association bashing discussion. I guess I wonder what the future of tournament fishing will be. And living here in Peirce County I have seen all of the good things the trout stamp money has done. Also my woods are full of turkeys, and there are plenty of pheasants to feed the fox, coon, and skunks here. So these programs have proven that stamp money will work to improve a sport. One of the problems we have as tournament fisherman, are the guys who are conducting bad tournaments. Now these are probably good guys and maybe if they had the education and equipment to properly conduct a tournament we could avoid the bad rap we get as tourney fisherman. Like it or not we have to do a good job at taking care of our fish. I haven’t heard anyone complain about the other stamps they have to buy, because we all know that the money goes right back to that sport. And before we go any where with this stamp idea, all of us would have to know that this money will be spent specifically on the sport of tournament fishing.
February 20, 2003 at 12:00 am #252586I believe a stamp is a bad idea. We all pay licenses to utilize the resource. What’s the difference between being on the water casually fishing or competeing against others. There are all ready laws set up to limit the # of events on lakes. Too many people look at what’s best just for themselves. The fisheries are for all of us to use.
February 20, 2003 at 12:08 am #252587When a big tournament takes place there is usually a conservation fund, money set aside that each angler has paid as part of the entry fee, that is given to the DNR to be used to benefit the fishery of that body of water. Plus surveys and studies have shown that a big tournament not only brings in a ton of money to that community where the tournament is being held, but from all the publicity about that body of water from the tournament also brings alot of other fisherman there for at least a period of one and a half years. That means ”mega bucks” for the community plus bucks for the fishery. Thats why Chamber Commerce’s try so hard to get the big tournaments to come to their area. The way everything works now has been great for everyone involved. And if you think non tournament fisherman spend alot of money of tackle, the local hot lures, bait gas, etc. , you should see how much more money the tournament angler spends when how well he does affects his livehood [job], sponsors, etc as a tournament angler. I know of alot of big tournament anglers who come to the event with 2,000 cash plus their credit cards when being there for one or two weeks counting prefishing time. Tournament anglers pay big time already to enjoy their sport and love of fishing. And Tournamemt Fishing Clubs also support their sport with different projects and donations. And the fisheries benefit from it all. Thanks, Bill
February 20, 2003 at 3:37 am #252596All of this is so true Bill. And I understand that a portion of the entry fee goes to conservation. And as arule the big tournaments are very well run. If an angler is spending that kind of money on tournament fishing, he or she certainly will not balk at spending another fifteen or twenty bucks on a stamp. Now that stamp money can be used to educate, promote, and grow tournament fishing. My greatest fear guys is that if we are not pro-active, we will be regulated out of what we love to do. Wisconsin has a culling law that has never been enforced until now. And their position is they don’t care how big a tournament is, they will not offer any exemptions what so ever to tournament fisherman. Madison lost the ESPN Outdoor Games partly because of the DNR rule on culling. B.A.S.S. has clearly stated that it will never come to Wisconsin because of its anti tournament stand. After last year I’m surprised that the Ever Start is coming back to Minnesota. I thought I heard Charlie say he would never come back to MInnesota. The reality is money talks guys!! And if we aren’t willing to spend it our DNR’s will make it very difficult to fish tournaments. The stamp money at least in Wisconsin will make us a player with the legislature and the DNR. Thanks Ken.
Don Hanson
Posts: 2073February 20, 2003 at 3:18 pm #252614No need to apoligize. I was just making the point that it is public waters. We all have an interest in the future of our sport, but I would not want to put in the hands of the government. If such a proposal was enacted the position would be an appointment by the governor. Thus the appointee would have political affillations and do little for our clout.It would be money better spent to start an organization of tournament anglers. This way we could gain the support of major corporations, hire outside agencies to train our tournament directors. We also could put a lobby in place, then we would be a big time player.
Getting back to the stamp issue, the difference is if you want to shoot a turkey you need a stamp. If you want to propose a walleye stamp or bass stamp let everyone in on it not just tourney anglers.
DonFebruary 20, 2003 at 7:50 pm #252627I also think any kind of stamp like this is a bad idea. Hopefully no Senators or leg. will read this thread and start think. I’m sure you all know that Wisconsin fishing and hunting licenses will be raised next year so said our “new” Governer…The increase will be pretty dramatic for most. Even if we haven’t had a rate increase in a number of years. For most people the increase is no big deal…and I guess I’ll just have to collect more alum. cans for mine next year also….but any other kind of stamp, whether for everyone or tourneys, is really uncalled for. But my opinion only. I love the points by you guys about how much money a big tourney or even a smaller tournament can bring to the community. Thats what I always bring up to some of the business people in my community when they ask me about my fishing trips. I tell them have some around here and see how many people use the gas station. The grocery store, bait shop, or the eateries. You’d be surprised. One thing I’d have to disagree on was the point that we pay for a turkey stamp. I think that’s a whole different ball game. That was for what I thought was a new stocking program….which they can stop if they still do it. The turkeys are way to plentyful in our area. But bass and walleyes have always been there (far as I know anyways), so I do not think its a good idea. I could not see anything positive come from it. Sorry but thats only my opinion….
February 25, 2003 at 12:00 am #252857Your off your rocker on a tourney stamp,Like Don said DNR trying to bleed money out of us..All of the tourneys have the proper equipment to hold to the tourney or they wouldnt be doing it.So save that BS!I would like a quick brakedown on where this money would be spent.Maybe you should put a stamp on us guys that fish more than 150days a year,Were having too much fun!Dont forget there are alot of towns all over the Us that love to see us guys roll into town.Why?$$$$$$!period.So go ahead and put the stamp on an see when well be back.The only reason the Rcl did not come back to lake Winnebago this year is Wi dnr would not issue a 4 day permit.Dont forget who puts all this $ in to propect our recource.What a joke!!!!!!!
February 26, 2003 at 1:53 am #252996Jamie, that is exactly my point. The Wi. DNR is not friendly to tournament fisherman, period!! Now if we as serious tournament fisherman do not do something to turn that around, we’ll be driving to other states all of the time. Now, I guess thats not the end of the world. But what frustrates me is we have the fisherie here in Wisconsin to host some big tourneys. I understand how you guys feel about the DNR. They haven’t always been able to account for the money they spend. But with a stamp,all of the money has to go back into that sport. Everyone talks about all the money we tournament fisherman spend, so do you think another $20.00 bucks would matter. And also if you don’t fish tourneys you don’t have to buy the stamp. I’m telling you guys there is tourney legislation coming down the pike that you aint gonna like. And like it or not Jamie, money talks and BS walks. Hey lets get together at L&M’s and have drink. Tight Lines.
Don Hanson
Posts: 2073February 26, 2003 at 7:16 pm #253069Baitcaster
I gotta’ tell ya’ I respect you for throwing this out there and accepting the fact that you might take a beating of the idea of a tournament stamp. Actually, I’m surprised at the tenacity with which some guys responded… like you had insulted their lady friend or something. My answer? No. No need for a tourney stamp. I don’t like the idea and would take the time to write a letter or two to stop any progress in creating such a program even though I stopped fishign tourneys a couple years back.
Good question for discussion though…
February 27, 2003 at 12:31 am #253088Thanks James.
I certainly never meant to offend anyone by throwing this idea out. And really, I never thought that this discussion got out of hand or was disrespectful. We as sportsman have to stay together and speak with one very loud voice!! Now that doesn’t mean that we will always agree with one another, and a good healthy{maybe sometimes heated debate} isn’t needed,because it is. Thats the great thing about this site. We can talk about the issues pro or con develop a concensus and move forward. I will tell you that a lot of guys here in Wisconsin support a stamp. Also when the tourney legislation moves on and becomes law, don’t be surprised to see a permit fee tacked on. Now I haven’t heard what kind of dollars the DNR is thinking about, but it could be a substantial amount. Thanks for your thoughts. Bait Caster.February 27, 2003 at 1:47 am #253100Bait Caster,I hope you didnt take me wrong,just speeking my voice .You stated WE in your post and under the impression that you are pro stamp.I need more info .And for the record I like the Wi Dnr.The law enforcement does there job and we have some of the best biologist in the counrty.Millacs biologist should take notes(just my opinion).Four springs in a row I worked on a boom shocker and a data boat with Kandale Keemke and Ronald Burke both fisheries biologist for winnebago system and Green Bay.I will be contacting them for the lowdown on this issue,soon..I would be happy to sit down with you and tip a few pops.
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