Fishers of Men Nationals–

  • dhnitro
    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    I’m sure a few of you guys may be going down to the FOM Nationals in February. Does anyone know where we can get some info on this “Winter Havens’ Chain of Lakes”? Is there any website? And since the tounrey is the 2nd week in February, would the bass be on bed? Any infor would be great. Thanks Doug

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    Congrats Doug and good luck to you

    Posts: 8

    I have a home in Winter Haven…I’m going down and Sat. for a month. I’ll be fishing a few tourneys on the chain over the next month. Maybe I’ll have something to report when I get back. You’ll enjoy this area of Florida…20+ clear water lakes all interconnected and close to everything. I heard the fish are better on the lower chain.

    See for area information.

    Good Luck!

    ps/ make sure you get to Cypress Gardens when your there.

    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    Just wondering if any of the guys that read this from either the WI group or MN are going down to Nationals? Would like to hear if anyone is going…Thanks

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