The payback is based solely on turnout. We pay one spot for every 7 anglers. At the ramp payout is around 65% with a portion going toward the National Championship where 3 fully Rigged Triton TR-21’s are given away as well a a great deal of other prized which add up to over $340,000. By the end of the year the payout approaches 100%. By the way, last year the Big Bass pot paid $5600.00 each day at the Championship.
The outcome of each tournament is based on weight like every other organization and the point standings are setup to level a national playing field as the top 500 are invited to the National Event. The only way to make the points system fair across a national field is to award only based on finish. Northern anglers couldn’t compete with Florida anglers if weight was considered. Also, we are setup where you can always travel to other districts and the points still count. We don’t try to tie you down to a single district. This allows us to be flexible. If you had a conflict and couldn’t make a tournament in you regular district you can make one up elsewhere without blowing the whole season and still qualify for the Championship as long as you fish the required 4 single day and 1 two day event.
The American Bass Anglers is by far the largest tournament trail in the nation. The last I heard we will be running around 1200 tournaments in 40 states this year and we have more active tournament anglers than BASS ansd FLW combined. If you have the time give us a try and I think you’ll enjoy yourself. Also, with this years Championship on the Red River in Shreveport, LA I think us river rats will do well.
Give me a call if you want to talk more specific about ABA or visit the websites and get a feel for who we are.