FOM Bass Tournament pools 4 & 5

  • kizew
    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    Is there anyone looking to team up for the Fishers of Men bass tournament on pools 4 & 5 April 24th? I think it would be a great format to get the cobwebs out of the gear before the inland water tourny season starts!

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    I fished this tournament series last year with my Brother In-Law and it was alot of fun. This year we are fishing it with our wives. If anyone is looking for a friendly, faith based (but not too preachy), competitive series this is it.
    Any questions, check out: or
    Or pm me.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 317

    I fished a few of their tournaments last year…. and they do run a great tournament. Steve Quinn from In-Fisherman will be speaking on the Friday before the pools 4 &5 tournament. Not sure I will be able to fish any of them this year but if your interested in the WI FOM tournament trail contact Jeff Bosshardt at 612-728-3754 or [Email][email protected] … a christian based tournament trail with a speaker and meal the night before each tournament. There is a MN based tournament trail too.

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    Thanks guys! I was on there website about a week ago and I thought it looked like a good deal. Then on Saturday aat the Bassmaster University I talked to Shaw Grigsby for a while and he is a huge proponent of theirs and strongly encouraged fishing them. I have club tournaments 2 of the six WI tournies but hope to fish the rest if I can talk anyone into teaming up.

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