I personally would like invite all you guys to fish these tournaments that Full Throttle is puting on on April 17th and 25th wether your a Bass man or a Walleye man it is really going to be a good time. The message and meal are going to be at the AG Church in Red Wing, that is the church my family and i attend. I found out today that the women of the church are going to be making Lasagna, what a treat and our Pastor Tom Johnson is sharing the message so even if your not fishing come eat and enjoy some good fellowship. I have had the pleasure of getting to know Mark from Full Throttle and am very impresed with the pleasent conversations we have had and truley look forward to them coming to town. I also believe the Walleye tournament is going out of the Best spot in town Everts resort and what better spot than with Dean. I hope every body does’nt bring baked goods or he’ll get fat on us. Please take the time and check your schedule and if your free come fish those tournaments. God Bless and look forward to seeing ya on the River. Oh and by the way feel free to blast your horns when you go down the back channel, I live above the blue boathouse on the corner before the highlines.

Posts: 126
March 30, 2008 at 11:47 pm