I was fishing ‘skis on Deer Lake in Polk Co WI today and what I witnessed at the ramp blew me away and infuriated me.
3 older guys were ahead of me pulling out. They were in an older Crestliner, white with blue graphics and a Force on the back.
They proceeded to fill 2 5 gallon pails with lake water, unload their catch from a fish basket into the pails, put them in the back of the truck, load the boat onto the trailer and drive off with enough green hanging on it to start a produce section at Cub Foods!
I told the guy filling the buckets that it’s illegal to transport water from the lake, he gave me a dumb look and said, “huh, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that”.
They were obviously locals that didn’t give a crap.
What is wrong with people!!?? The signs are everywhere and it’s all over the media!
I give up…..everyone else is much more important than those of use who live by the laws, we may not agree with some of them, but we do it.
I know, I should have gotten the license plate and called it in, but I stood there in shock.