Toro Snowmaster 724QXE Reviews Needed

  • al-wichman
    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    My dad and mom have gotten to the point where they can no longer handle their 30+ year old Jacobson snowblower. They are looking at the Toro Snowmaster 724QXE. It seems like it would be fine for them. I have a few concerns.
    1- No reverse, is it difficult to back up or does the weight reduction make it fairly easy?
    2- Does it clear the end of a driveway easy enough or does it struggle with the hard packed snow from the plow?
    3- Does it clear to the pavement enough that what is left melts off in the sun?
    4- What are your thoughts on the Personal Pace feature?
    5- Do you regret not getting a traditional 2 stage?

    Posts: 4800

    I don’t have that exact model but by the looks of it I would say avoid that. That’s just a big single stage blower. And I’m not sure how old your parents are but reverse is nice. Only a couple hundred bucks more and you could have a nice toro 2 stage.

    Single stage blowers work great for light fluffy snow but if you get into heavy wet snow they are not as effective especially at the end of a driveway where the plow left a huge wet pile.

    If they are at the age they can’t handle a blower my advice would be to just hire somebody to do the snow for them if they live in town.

    Posts: 135

    I have that model and live in WI. I would highly recommend it. There has not been a snow it could not handle. It is much easier for wife and kids to handle when I am out of town. I was reluctant at first, but the owner at the local True Value convinced me to give it a try. He promised to take it back after one season if I didn’t like it. No matter how slushy the snow the chute never clogged. It can throw snow across a three car wide driveway no problem. Get the largest motor they offer. It had the same walk behind pace system like the mowers. On light snow I beat my neighbors because I can walk real fast and don’t have to goof around shifting into reverse.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    They can still do the snow themselves, but the 2 stages are getting to be too heavy for them to move around. Even the new 2 stage blowers are pushing 180lbs, where as this is 117lbs.

    According to some videos I watched it can handle end of driveways decent enough and being about 100lbs less than their current one I’m inclined to believe that not having reverse isn’t that big of a deal. He pulls his lawnmower around just fine.

    I’m just hoping someone on here has one and can give an honest review. Seeing as how most people on here live within the snowbelt.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    Thanks Buckeye. They are looking at the 724 since they don’t have a huge area to clear. Also the weight difference is pretty significant when you jump to the 824.

    Posts: 135

    I have not dug mine out yet so I don’t remember the size, but I got the largest size they had at the time. I have an inclined driveway the has to be cleaned every time in order to get up the drive. I know it seems counter intuitive, but the thing just works and is so easy the maneuver, especially when getting it in and out of garage. it also takes up less room.

    I didn’t think I would like the personal pace, but love that function. I can fly on light snow much faster the my old two stage.

    Posts: 314

    I have one. I like the personal pace. Don’t let the single stage fool you. It throws snow better than my older two stage. Handles the end of driveway great. I recommend

    Posts: 104

    I have the 824, it is a beast. I got it because my buddy that does commercial snow clearing uses the 724’s exclusively. He was across the street blowing slush onto my sidewalk and I couldn’t get through it with my 10hp Arians 2 stage.

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