
  • Youbetcha
    Wright County
    Posts: 3149

    I have thrown topwaters during the night and early morning/dusk time periods and was wondering how many people throw them during the day? even in wind? do they still move fish also as often as even bucktails during this time of day?
    thanks guys!

    Pat McSharry
    Saint Michael, MN
    Posts: 713

    I have no problem throwing prop baits and walk-the-dog style topwaters all day even in wind if that’s what they are wanting. I can remember catching a few fish on weagles in 2 footers on lake Bemidji one day. I think that was kind of a freak deal but definitely have no issues with some nice chop and topwater baits.

    To answer your question on if they are better than bucktails, I think it all depends on what body of water and what the fish are chasing. At times they can be more productive for sure, but not always.

    My opinion is you just have to read the water and consider what you are seeing/catching your fish on and adapt to what is working. If it’s a topwater then by all means keep throwing it!

    Allan Davis
    Carlton, MN
    Posts: 415

    Top water works all day. With a little chop it works even better. You have to remember the top of the water is structure so when you get a little chop it adds structure. With anything unless I have a good bite on one type of lure throw something for 45 min or so than switch. Keep changing things up.

    Posts: 1283

    Personally, I used to throw top waters in the waves a lot….the windier the better. This was back when tallywackers and Hawg wobblers where the only main styles of choices for straight-retrieve baits. A partner of mine took a 48″ fish in heavy seas on leech in the early 90’s on a Hawg wobbler. It crushed that struggling bait in 3′ rollers…..

    So yes…..if it is a rough day, at least one guy in my boat will be tossing a surface bait…..(probably me!)

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    You have to remember the top of the water is structure so when you get a little chop it adds structure.

    Wow, fishing my whole life…never thought about that? Good info!

    Personally, I used to throw top waters in the waves a lot….the windier the better. This was back when tallywackers and Hawg wobblers where the only main styles of choices for straight-retrieve baits. A partner of mine took a 48″ fish in heavy seas on leech in the early 90’s on a Hawg wobbler. It crushed that struggling bait in 3′ rollers…..

    So yes…..if it is a rough day, at least one guy in my boat will be tossing a surface bait…..(probably me!)

    Hawg wobbler in 3′ waves? Suppose I can believe that. Tallywackers and remember the Topkicks? or Mud-puppies going way back? I used to toss Hawg wobblers at night over cabbage beds in the smaller lakes in Northern Wisconsin. Heart stopping when you’d get a hit out of the quiet darkness!
    Advantage of top water over buck tails is that you can work them patiently over thick cabbage beds without having to race them over the top and without snagging weed clumps.

    Allan Davis
    Carlton, MN
    Posts: 415

    Wow, fishing my whole life…never thought about that? Good info!

    Yah and just like in the winter the bottom of the ice is structure especially in regards to lake trout. One of the most under looked structure is the top.

    Allan Davis
    Carlton, MN
    Posts: 415

    Also in regards to a musky follow the boat is looked at as structure all you are doing then with the figure 8 is acting like a bait fish running into a sharp break that bait fish is just going to turn and find a different route. If that makes sense

    Wright County
    Posts: 3149

    wow thanks for all the replies guys! waytogo I will for sure start working them more often during the day when bucktail, rubber, cranks, ect. arent getting them to go. i might just have to throw them after work today!

    Posts: 1899

    A giant Jackpot has put more fish in my boat than all other lure types combined. Those fish have come at all times of day and in all weather conditions.

    Now that I think about it, I haven’t thrown a Jackpot in quite a while and I don’t know why. That needs to change.

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