Tom Boley – walleye now app

  • crappie55369
    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Interesting idea. I know we have a lot of Boley fans on this site. I’ll definitely download the app and check it out. Not sure how much the premium part costs

    Posts: 707

    I saw that and was interested. But it appears it is basically links to his videos that may be related to the fishing you want to learn about.
    Am I missing something?

    Kirk Charipar
    west central wi
    Posts: 193

    Access to Premium features $5.99/month or $65/year.
    There is some free content, but of course the goodies are gonna cost you.

    1. Capture_2022-04-02-19-09-14.png

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I assume he pulled the videos which appear in the premium portion off of YouTube or made them unviewable to the public

    Posts: 22

    I am a big boley fan. He has helped a lot with building walleye knowledge.

    I think he has developed a lot of content specifically for the app that is not on his YouTube page. Based off the free videos that are available to view(the three videos in the middle, not the ones linked to a month)I think it will be a lot more technical and graph related, less showing fish catches than his YouTube videos.

    If I was just starting off or new to graphs I think the subscription would be worth it, but watching him for a couple years now I don’t see it adding more than he already has online. I understand the need to generate income but I hope his YouTube doesn’t suffer for content in the name of promoting the app.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5179

    Mama said if you can’t say nothing nice, don’t say anything at all. Ima say good luck getting all these rookies to pay his bills. Plenty of free info on IDO forums in how to target fish all season long.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5787

    I know CNN pulled content they were making available for ‘free’ to put on their subscription streaming service
    Not sure i’ll pay for Boley stuff

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 369

    I think it is awesome idea.

    For the price of a scope of bait you can get information where to start and how to fish. I think there are a lot out there that are new and don’t know a lot and will help them out them out.

    Posts: 521

    I will probably subscribe. I have lots of money tied up in fishing equipment. I’m pretty green in fishing knowledge. If I can learn how to use my electronics better and catch more fish, that’s money we’ll spent.

    Greeny Lake
    Posts: 4

    That would be a nice app. I will have to give it a try .

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5787

    FYI year before last and the year before that he had great stuff on SI-last year more content was on 360.
    What? Where? When? How? When he is at his best he answers all these questions very well-some people making vids make no effort at all to educate, they just reel in fish.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    I love Boley’s content. I’ve learned quite a bit. I just don’t see myself in a boat pulling up videos to watch. Now the night before I might watch content about what I am about to do. So for me it will be how much he pulls from YT. Then I’ll have to decide how much it’s worth to me.

    Posts: 22

    FYI year before last and the year before that he had great stuff on SI-last year more content was on 360.
    What? Where? When? How? When he is at his best he answers all these questions very well-some people making vids make no effort at all to educate, they just reel in fish.

    This is what he excels. He usually does a great job educating the important aspect of what he’s looking for on a graph and gps map. He not only describes but screen shots to show people. It’s very applicable to anyone who is not an electronics guru.

    That is the reason I can hardly watch any videos from Lindner media anymore, it’s basically an informercial set between actual commercials. They do very little education and what they do is usually highlighting something they’re paid to use.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5787

    Yes, Sioux-the low and big budget people do it so poorly-James does it very well. Why is it so hard? Say how and why you picked the lake, how and why you picked the bait, why you picked that spot.
    Whooooohooo got another! is not enough for me.
    Yes maybe you don’t want to say the name of the lake-ok, what kind of lake is it? What kind of structure. Why is that type of lure good right now? Don’t just kiss the a** of the sponser!!!

    Posts: 433

    I’ve ran into Boley a few different times, I’ve left thinking “damn that guy is awesome” about as many times as I have left thinking “damn that guy is a prick”. I’ll wait for what others’ thoughts are before I start paying. That said, I have watched about all of his YT stuff. Great content.

    Anyone else got Boley encounter stories? always super interesting to hear about. Huge fan of the videos he does a great job. He’s got a pretty interesting 1-star review on google I saw on his former guide service. Crazy the number of videos he puts out this time of year and all year round I guess.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 3971

    Why is it so hard? Say how and why you picked the lake, how and why you picked the bait, why you picked that spot.
    Whooooohooo got another! is not enough for me.
    Yes maybe you don’t want to say the name of the lake-ok, what kind of lake is it? What kind of structure. Why is that type of lure good right now?

    I couldn’t agree more. I wasted a couple of hours his weekend looking up a new fishing tactic. Only a couple video had good information that I found. The rest was just watch me pull in this fish. Tom does do a great job educating in his clips and that is why I watch his stuff. I am sure his app has some great information on it and could be useful. I am just too cheap to pay for something I can get for free.

    Posts: 1253

    I love walleye fishing, I watch some of his videos because if I can’t be out fishing, the next best thing I can be doing is sitting in the boat rigging rods and watching fishing or looking into my next destination. That being said, I know I’m not his target audience for this app, but I wouldn’t pay for information I could find via a quick google search. Like anyone with an audience, people are going to pay for it because they think it’s going to make them catch more fish right away.

    That being said, I’ve had people reach out to me that I don’t know asking about fishing. I’m always happy to provide any insight I can. A couple years ago, someone reached out asking about a specific lake near his cabin. I’d never heard of it or the guy, but I gave some insight and circled spots I would start and explained presentations. He emailed me a month later with walleye pictures. That was cool to see! So if anyone is struggling or wants some help, shoot me a PM. I’m always in the mood for talking about fishing!

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