toilet paper

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ice Cap wrote:</div>
    Canned goods, frozen goods, dairy coolers are full, you can get whatever you want.

    I haven’t looked around but canned stuff was very sparse at the super target I was just at.

    I have been meaning to stock up on some canned goods for years now but I just cant imagine it ever getting to that point. If it does I dont think a small stash of food or ammo is going to change an individuals outcome very much. At least not if you live in a major metro. I envy you country boys in times like these.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11084

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Reef Whooligan wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ice Cap wrote:</div>
    Canned goods, frozen goods, dairy coolers are full, you can get whatever you want.

    I haven’t looked around but canned stuff was very sparse at the super target I was just at.

    I have been meaning to stock up on some canned goods for years now but I just cant imagine it ever getting to that point. If it does I dont think a small stash of food or ammo is going to change an individuals outcome very much. At least not if you live in a major metro. I envy you country boys in times like these.

    I’m hoping they shut everything down so I can spend a couple weeks at the cabin. The ice shpuld be good for a couple more weeks.
    I’ve been stocking the liquor cabinet for sometime now, got enough Bourbon to ride out any pandemic. toast

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4006

    If I get quarantine into my house I would more worry about my beer supply than toilet paper. I am just happy those shelves are not empty. I normally have a good supply of TP at my house but it goes quickly. I hope there is some in the store when I need it.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418


    I’m hoping they shut everything down so I can spend a couple weeks at the cabin. The ice shpuld be good for a couple more weeks.
    I’ve been stocking the liquor cabinet for sometime now, got enough Bourbon to ride out any pandemic. toast

    I was just emailing the FW about this very thing. Let’s just go climb into the cabin deep in the woods and forget about this for a month. Come out when the air is clear. I might need a liver transplant, but I won’t get the virus…

    Posts: 959

    My kid just called me to ask where to buy some TP. I chuckled. I guess they can’t find it anywhere up by Hudson.

    1. 05FD54F6-0E9E-4413-97F0-05A100600524.jpeg

    Posts: 50

    Just saw this on Arties Bait Facebook page.

    This weeks special:
    One FREE roll of toilet paper with every $100 purchase! Strict limit of one case per customer. Now us the time to “wipe” out your old equipment and get into new!

    Posts: 806

    If worse comes to worse…

    1. 89780821_2760016064075745_4302623543356555264_n.jpg

    Posts: 823

    just got a killer deal on some slightly used..

    Buffalo Fishhead
    Posts: 310

    My wife told me the reason there is such a demand for toilet paper is because when a person sneezes in a large crowded room 100 people sh+t their pants.

    Makes sense.

    Buffalo Fishhead

    Posts: 28

    I don’t understand toilet paper hoarding either. However, since everyone else is buying it, maybe I’d better go get some too!🤔🤣

    Posts: 28

    I don’t understand toilet paper hoarding either. However, since everyone else is buying it, maybe I’d better go get some too!🤔🤣

    Posts: 5126

    If you think you have enough think harder.

    1. 89336960_2624605154329452_1013845425565728768_o.jpg

    Posts: 3696

    From my daughter – who lives in Denver where every single store (including ordering on Amazon) is completely out of toilet paper…

    1. 3EAA3652-E999-4DE6-820D-1A675EEB7FA1.jpeg

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    If you think you have enough think harder.

    wow talk about stupid! just when I thought they couldn’t get any dumber, they load up a truck with pallets of TP……… lol

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I don’t understand toilet paper hoarding either. However, since everyone else is buying it, maybe I’d better go get some too!🤔🤣

    I know you’re kidding but that’s exactly the type of thinking that’s driving this behavior.

    I have to admit I REALLY don’t miss the cities now! The ice is still very good up here as well, single digits tomorrow night.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3222

    Last night Alexandria Walmart was out of TP. Menards had some and thankfully was limiting to 1 pack per customer. Sauk Centre Walmart was extremely low, but good #s of napkins yet! waytogo

    Not just a metro problem.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Props to the Menards managers for recognizing this buffoonary. The Grand Rapids paper mill must be running 24/7….props to those individuals. Not all heros wear capes!

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    TP is the new 22 LR.

    Posts: 3926

    the other night on our local news station they had a psychologist on explaining the hoarding of toilet paper.
    he stated that it was because it gave people a sense of control,wtf???
    if toilet paper is the only thing you have control of in your life,you dont have much of a life IMHO.

    I have to wonder,if all of that toilet paper that is sitting in a closet were to be overran with mice building nests in it,what kind of diseases are you harboring in your own house???

    hope everyone on this forum stays well,,,and sane.
    have a great day,I have to get to work.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911

    A dream come true ??? jester

    1. TP.jpg

    Posts: 4941

    just got a killer deal on some slightly used..

    Sift out all unusable corn and peanut particles

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I just realized something. When we bought our house it came with a spray attachment on the toilet which is used for cloth diapers. We’ve never used it but it looks like I’ll be surviving this toilet paper pandemic just fine woot

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I just went to the store and found a 9 pack of angel soft just in case. I refused to buy more than one.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I might have to look at getting my TP out of my deer hunting and spearfishing boxes. blush

    If this keeps up you may want to consider LIVING in those boxes.

    Posts: 6649

    I just went to Blaine’s Farm and Fleet here in Chicago.

    There were four people in line, counting me.

    I had 4 gallons of hydraulic fluid in my cart.

    Take a wild guess as to what the other three people had in their cart LOL

    I couldn’t help butt ask them…..

    “What’s all the toilet paper for?”

    Two of them replied “we’re out at home” (yeah right lol), the other guy gave me a dirty look mrgreen

    It was awesome yay

    Bah Bah Sheep

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1749

    I have a Cabelas catalog books the big thick hard cover ones they used to make ! When i was a kid we rarely had tp . Sears catalog .

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    Its official. You cannot find it in Woodbury. Unbelievable.
    The feeling around here is palpable. My customers across the country are eerily quiet today. All we can do is stand strong and not let the panic prevail. It really isnt that bad.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19009

    Its official. You cannot find it in Woodbury. Unbelievable.
    The feeling around here is palpable. My customers across the country are eerily quiet today. All we can do is stand strong and not let the panic prevail. It really isn’t that bad.

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