Today is the day!

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    Today is the day I wrap up a 38 year career Securian Financial. Started in the mail room and have had a lot of different jobs over the years. Very fortunate to have the opportunities that have come to me over the years. Super excited to start a new life with a lot less stress!

    Pics: My desk as I leave and turning in my employee badge.


    1. IMG_2243-scaled.jpeg

    2. IMG_2244-scaled.jpeg

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    WAY TO GO! Nearly 40 yrs anywhere is an epic run. Now I will need to get you up by noon so we can still hit DiGidio’s or the Boca Chica Taco Hut

    James Almquist
    Posts: 612

    Now for the life of leisure !!! Great run with one company!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    Great news and all the best in retirement.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Congrats JJ. Can’t wait for my day to come (give me 20 years or so) but I imagine that the day you’re finally going thru is truly an iconic moment in one’s life.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12958

    Congrats sir waytogo waytogo enjoy that retirement i do!

    Posts: 5139

    So you’re saying you didn’t start off as CEO fresh out of college like all the kids expect now days?

    That’s a long time at one place! What was your final job title? Congrats! You earned it!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5561

    Congratulations, Jon! yay toast What an amazing milestone at one company! Cheers to retirement and a great start to the New Year!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17427

    You are in for a shock.

    Congrats. applause

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    Congrats JJ !! More time up at the cabin or is that becoming the new house !! Best wishes and we will tip a few in your honor when you get up !

    Posts: 177

    Congratulations and welcome to the club. Now when asked “How are doing” the correct answer is “Living the dream!”.

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    Congrats Jon, maybe you can moderate from your seat on the river now?

    Look forward to catching up with you maybe this summer up on the river.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 944

    Congratulations! You’ll wonder how you ever had time to work.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22154

    Congrats buddy. What a huge day. I bet that’s a bitter sweet feeling. Now go get those river monsters.

    Posts: 813

    What a great day! Bet you’re smiling from ear to ear? Enjoy your new found freedom. Its been well-earned!

    Posts: 1807

    Congrats! Rare these days to last that long at one company, very impressive.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    Congrats JJ!!

    Hey..I’ll take some of that )

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1603

    I’ve never missed work since I retired about 6 years ago. Now Happy Hour is at noon. Find an Am Legion or a VFW and you’ll feel like a kid again! (Because you are in there)

    Posts: 762

    I was a frequent visitor to the 400 Robert St. mailroom back from mid 90’s through the move to the 401 building. I knew lots of people at MN Life/Securian. I can’t say I remember your face (you must have been too normal to be memorable,) but that was some time ago.
    Norm, Dawn, Dan, Crystal, and a couple unforgettable one’s – Pat and Drake. Plus many more that weren’t part of the mailroom crew, but I can’t mention without last names, and don’t want to do that on a public forum. My ex, a best friend’s sister (also recently retired) another buddy’s ex (you may remember the parking garage security tape incident) plus many others. It was an interesting place for sure.
    I hope you enjoyed your time there and enjoy your time away even more. Good luck and Congratulations.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2008

    congrats for sure!! enjoy it!!!

    Posts: 1281

    Wonderful for ya!!! Thats a great milestone, now enjoy the next chapter!

    Posts: 2853

    Congratulations JJ.I hope the fish always bite and your glass never gets empty.Enjoy.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9042

    Congratulations! Enjoy every moment of doing whatever it is that you want…24-7 365

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18842

    Wow 38 years is a heck of a run. Way to go. waytogo

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    That’s a solid 3.8 decades of service! Way to go! I hope retirement treats you very well.
    toast peace

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1307

    Congratulations!! 38 years a heck of run! Enjoy your new schedule of doing whatever the heck you want applause

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