Tobin in the Fall (or other recommendations)

  • Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1330

    I know this has been discussed a few times, and yes, I have read and reread those threads. I hope some new information can be shared even if the border was closed. I am seriously considering a trip up there next fall and mayyyyyybe even this fall.

    I mainly want big fish so am totally open to any and all suggestions as long as it is not east of the Mississippi. Tobin, Columbia, Ft. Peck, Winnipeg, (RR/LOW is already a weekend or two or three each fall), etc.??

    Have any of you fished the walleyes in the river in Tobin in the fall? Sounds like early October is best, but how late does it start to get sketchy with cold temps and ice? Is it better the later you go (seems like it is on the Rainy and Miss imo)?

    Where did you stay – hotels, resorts, campgrounds?

    Is it ever necessary to leave the river and fish the lake?

    I know this is a lot, but I figured someone will have some sort of input. Thanks in advance.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Twin Marine is where I send people.
    Spend many years going up there in the fall. 12 guys 6 boats 5 years in a row.
    We planned our trip late Sept early Oct, 10-15 days before the Vanity Cup.
    Do not go while the tourney is going!
    As for the weather, complete crap shoot.
    One year upper 80’s guys were cutting their jeans and wearing jorts. Next year it snowed every day. Had one year where it was 50-65, perfect all week.
    We overpacked on clothes just cause you never knew. The forecasts are easier to get now but still hardly ever right.
    A boat load of large walleye were caught while we where there. 3 years of back to back to back provincial records were broke while we where there. Watched a guy land a 17+ pounder on a pontoon just yards from us. Lots of cheers when they got the net under that fish. He brought it to the scales, got verified and walked it back to the river and released her.
    I only brought back one fish in all the years I went and it was my first year, first cast, first Tobin walleye. 33 1/4 13-13 tank. Many 10 pounders came to my boat in those years
    Some oversized saugers as well.
    We never made the run to the lake, never needed too.
    Do not forget about the pike, they run oversized as well.


    Red Reno
    Posts: 133

    Not sure how you want to fish, but take a look at upper Lake Oahe. The numbers of 10+lb fish coming out of there right now are crazy. This is most likely a trolling bite for numbers of big fish but the ones that are going 10-12 lbs now will be another 1-2 lbs bigger in the late fall. Check out the NWT results and any other tournament this year out there.

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