To snap or not to snap

  • Bailey Bernard
    Posts: 16

    I’ve been trout fishing for a long time and I am constantly debating between snapswivle or not when trout fishing. I personally have noticed a decline in action for both lure and spinner when trout fishing with the snap swivels. But at the same time I notice my line last so much longer when I do use the swivle. I’ve tried several knots and have found a few I like but I was wondering if anyone had any input. Also some more knots to try would be really appreciated.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    Compared to low end swivels, Sampo bearing swivels are $$, but worth it. Especially with little spinners that foul up easy. I generally run standard barrels for most stuff, but when it comes to micro/small baits the good bearings will save a lot of line

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