To donate or not to donate?

  • Wood butcher
    Posts: 10

    I never gave a thought to where a Ronald McDonald donation went to until last night when our two week old daughter was rushed to children’s hospital. It won’t ever be a question in my mind again. My wife and I have found out today how helpful a small donation can be when you leave your home in a rush to the ER and by morning you are at children’s hospital with no change of clothes or even a toothbrush brush and and soap. But we were able to clean up thanks to donations made by generous people all over for all I know it could be one of you on here that I follow on a daily basis

    Just wanted to express my Thanks

    Tight lines

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    First of all…how’s your daughter doing? Hoping the best for you and your family.

    Second of all…thanks for the insight! I’m sure most of us donate to various causes, and a person can always go online to hear what a company or watchdog group says about a certain charity, but hearing stories like this mean a lot to get the perspective of actual people who were assisted.

    Posts: 5139

    Hope your daughter is doing alright.

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    Prayers for you daughter and a speedy recovery.

    McDonald’s, like their food or not, do a lot with Children’s Hospital and the Ronald McDonald house. They also make it easy to donate. Drop your change in the bucket at the drive thru or inside or save you aluminum pop tabs and support the Ronald McDonald house. My grand daughter takes bunches of pop tabs in every year to the Ronald McDonald house. She has the whole family saving them.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Glad to hear of a charity helping in such a helpful way. Hope your daughters well

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Good post and they don’t get enough credit or publicity.

    It’s awesome support when a person is down.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    I always donate to RMH when the opportunity is presented. I liked it McDonald’s would ask if wanted to donate a doller at the register.

    Off subject a bit but I like those grocery stores that give you an oppertunity to donate to the local food shelves via depit card or buy a bag our fill your own and to donate to the veteran’s.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    Hope your daughter is ok. Thoughts and prayers for your daughter, you and your family.

    Ronald McDonald House is an awesome place. My Dad spent some time at one in Indianapolis IN after his transplant surgery. He needed to be close to the hospital for daily visits and RMH was next door. He stayed there with my mom for an extended period until he was well enough to go home. Can’t say enough great things about RMH.

    Nice Fella
    Posts: 461

    Besides donations, I once spoke with a RMH staffer who said they love getting the help when folks can come in and help with preparing or serving a meal or two once in awhile.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    My son spent 6 weeks at Gillette this summer recovering from spinal surgery. RMH was an absolute godsend.

    Besides donations, I once spoke with a RMH staffer who said they love getting the help when folks can come in and help with preparing or serving a meal or two once in awhile.

    It was such a blessing when people came in to do this. We had some great meals over the summer and our son definitely appreciated eating homemade tacos instead of the same old chicken tenders from the cafeteria.

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