I’ve got a brand new 12V group 31 marine deep cycle battery, rated for 1050 amp hours. This will be powering an older but pristine condition Minn Kota Powerdrive 50 bow-mount.
The user manual of my Minn Kota Powerdrive 50 says that not recharging my battery within 12-24 hours of use can cause premature battery failure. Can anyone speak to this from personal experience?
I’m going to be camping on an island for 3 days. I don’t have an on-board charging system or an inverter to use with my outboard, and I’m not lugging a generator along. It won’t bother me if the TM battery only lasts 1 day of fishing, I’m perfectly happy fishing at anchor or drifting. But my concern is damaging the battery. If we drain it on day 1 and it sits for 72 hours before I can plug it in, am I asking for trouble? I would potentially just leave the TM at home.