Tips on using CRC Engine Tune Up and Decarbinizer

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 5983

    Someone on this forum highly reccomended this product and now I cannot find the post. Any experience with it? Tips?
    Was thinking of also using yamaha Ring Free-is using both redundant/ harmful?

    Butler county Iowa
    Posts: 342

    I have been using Ring Free for three years now. No problems so far. It is pricey.

    Posts: 3911

    Someone on this forum highly reccomended this product and now I cannot find the post. Any experience with it? Tips?
    Was thinking of also using yamaha Ring Free-is using both redundant/ harmful?

    more is not always better,solvents when mixed can cause a whole bunch of problems you dont want,using too much of one beyond what the directions say can also.
    two stroke four stroke,doesnt matter,if too many solvents are used you are essentially washing the oil off of the cylinder walls which can lead to piston scuffing and premature ring wear.

    using two solvents combined can also create a potion that will do who knows what especially if any two of the ingredients react with each other.
    it will not clean any faster either,let one solvent used as directed do its job.

    not trying to be a smart arse about it,but you dont want to be broke down when it could of been prevented.
    follow the directions to the letter,you will be much happier!!

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5983

    Makes sense Iowa, I will stick with the CRC for now—–Any tips on using the CRC?

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